Big Sur | Exploring California’s Most Beautiful Coastline (NorCal Ep. 6)

Jun 17, 2020 99.4K Views 237 Comments

California’s Big Sur coastline has some of the most beautiful landscapes on planet earth. This a cruise down the coast with some conversation about what’s going on here.
(Episode 6 of an 8-part Northern California Series) ►Filmed Fall 2019

my name is Peter Santaniello and I make
videos around the world but for the
first time I’m showing my home country
America in this video series my
Ukrainian wife and I travel through
Northern California to places most
foreigners and even Americans don’t know
about we will show you USA culture
through the combination of an outsider’s
and a locals perspective join us
on a road trip through a very diverse
often misunderstood and stunningly
beautiful land it’s really cool when you
come back to your country after being
gone for a long time
as you can see guys super beautiful
drive down the highway 1 south of San
Francisco this is Big Sur Big Sur is a
my opinion one of the most beautiful
places in the world we’re going out a
pfeiffer beach good yes yes okay is it
busy down there yep every day man huh
what about November just been here since
May and it’s been busy every day except
for like one or two days even in the
summer fog people just still coming in
hordes and staying on the beach I hate
to be that all did be like I remember
when but 15 years ago to come here
November nobody here yeah nobody all
right man
thank you take care us parks are super
restricted there’s a good and bad in
that I would say right like they’re
pretty clean and I don’t know there are
a lot of people staying on the path on
the trail yeah if you want to rip into
it if you want to get into it you can
it’s pretty easy but a popular place
like this they really like buckle it
down pretty hard
twelve dollar parking that’s a little
yes baby nobody’s here
beaches totally windswept except for
this little nook here and sort of the
story of life right you you go where
everyone goes the herd goes like 95% to
the immediate zone and you just kind of
walk ten minutes further it’s like okay
it’s not brutal and that’s yeah
little granola breakfast action here
with big sir we’re going south today
we’re going all the way to the south
side of the park and the park is
300 miles north of Los Angeles and 150
miles south of San Francisco it’s
protected there’s no cell phone coverage
there’s no internet and it’s quite wild
the mountains just fall right in to the
California is definitely a good place if
you want to be healthy eat healthy
because the grocery stores are fantastic
the ones let’s say in the nicer places
everything’s grown near here I think
these peaches are near here
definitely the strawberries bananas now
squat Amala you like this one
Sam we can’t go down there yeah a lot of
protected beaches here though and there
are only a few you can go to and Big Sur
so this highway one cuts right into the
mountain so there’s all there’s a lot of
erosion coming from above where it gets
steep and then landslides and the soil
and dirt goes across the road and it
seems to be there’s a constant process
of this stuff going on
where they’re expanding the road moving
the slides some areas they have this
where they’ve built bridge over the road
where the landslides just well it goes
right over the road into the ocean so
this road not Samantha Ferguson Road one
of my favorites goes right up the side
of this mountain
I think it goes up 3000 feet this is an
area where you can see that the fog
creeps in and there’s more moisture and
then there you see it again out to the
bald hillside hillside where there’s not
much father
on these south-facing hillsides you can
see yucca plants and it’s very dry right
now it’s pretty hot a lot of sun
exposure other side of the valley that’s
north facing is a full-on forest and you
could be sitting there right now you
could be in those trees and freezing
cold or on this side and be super wor
that’s the cool part that’s a really
cool component to big surges all these
different climatic zones different
variation here and again when the the
fog comes in usually it creeps into
these veins first so the very bottom
there is very fertile very green very
lush but up here as you can see not the
going up to our hotel south side of Big
Sur and we got a little cabin there’s
not much there’s really not much here as
far as accommodations go it’s pretty
spendy too but it’s beautiful and if you
don’t want a camp then you got to do it
I think that’s our little cabin right
there oh this little guy cool I think so
little it’s called little something is
ever name on it this is the place this
is tiny cabin very cute very nice I like
the south side of Big Sur better it’s
got a little more wildness to it a
little more spread out and I think other
than the one beach on the North they’re
better beaches down here so let’s go do
this babe let’s get out there
the coast is usually pretty cool because
the waters call dolphins bed in the wave
look at look at in the wave which is
happy she’s losing your minds you like
let’s body sir
sand dollar Beach Big Sur
so call
not chocolate more
nobody knows
how they tuned right in the home
why is your swimming Peter I did it’s
freezing I’m frozen I’m done with the
water let’s grab a little chilly
but look at this time lapse look at this
absurd his time lapses
for many years I came down here once a
year and would just set up a tent and
ride my bike up and down this coast
there’s an energy there’s a power
there’s obviously a beauty and then the
Hawks would fly beside me they would fly
beside me on my bike so it’s always been
a special place to come back to I think
it’s important I think it’s super
important to have those places like a
few of those places in nature you can go
to no matter what’s going on in life to
regroup re-grout take a loved one or if
you’re having a tough time like just be
able to go to it and find some something
special in it some connectivity
so that’s big Serta man
they smell huh yeah you stink
I am more scared of this stuff than
bears Cougars serial killers a lot of
stuff go ahead they blindfold people
right and then you have a bat and you
just start it’s like kook and bash
they’re thinking that all this candy
comes out

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