Inside America’s Most Mysterious Place – Mt. Shasta
Dec 28, 20243.4M Views83.2K Likes11.1K Comments
In the far northern part of California lies Mount Shasta, a place of legend and mystery. Spiritual seekers come from around the world to connect with its energy. Today, we’re going to go on our own little spiritual journey with the locals and learn what they’re like and why Mount Shasta is such a mysterious and special place.
► Pearce Roswell – Get Mine
California used to be the Traveler’s
dream you live as one that’s kind of how
you make it out here hopefully you
worked up an appetite that’s the essence
of Shasta look at that now people say
there’s aliens coming to visit the city
of light in the mountain a connection
heaven on Earth oh this is a sweet bus
you call me a hippie that’s fighting
words you’d think a bunch of hippies in
the woods are all living in peace but it
kind of gets like Lord of The Fly
secret name of God in you this is the
Bookshop in Chasta root in the earth and
you can feel the Earth spinning this is
the Temple of the i in oh it’s nice and
warm in here boat for San Pedro San
Pedro cacti we traveling shotgun
everywhere there’s something real
special going on with this mountain and
it calls
people good morning guys we are on quite
an adventure we’re going over these
Hills here to a place called Mount
Shasta Mount Shasta is just over 14,000
ft but what exists underneath it is a
very interesting world I’ve been told
people living off the grid a lot of
spiritual types crystals aliens Cults
little bit of everything out there just
got off the phone with a local who said
Peter meet me in a little bit and I’ll
show you what’s going on in this very
very interesting corner of America let’s
this where are we going Bryson going up
to McBride spring is some of the purest
water in the whole world it actually
bubbles up through like crystalline
volcanic shafts it gets purified as it
comes up through the ground some of the
water is a hundred years old by the time
it reaches the surface so some people
come out here for the water some people
come out here for the New Age Awakening
kind of thing and then other people like
me they come out here for the weird
stuff the weird stuff for the history
cuz 10 years ago I came out here from
Utah me and my girlfriend at the time we
literally tied all of our stuff to this
longboard we just lived at this uh
campsite and around here in the late
1800s there was this dude named guy
Ballard he supposedly came out here on a
mission with the military but in this
exact area he supposedly met a dude
named St
Germaine the dude came up to him and he
gave him this cup and he said this is
the basically the Holy Grail this is the
the stuff of
immortality he started giving him all
these like kind of secret spiritual
wisdom and he wrote these books about
this dude named St Germaine and over the
years people read these books and
developed this group called The I am to
talk about the teachings of St
Germaine people come here cuz they
believe this water is like the stuff of
immortality pure water
really good water tastes so
good oh yeah that’s nice that’s
nice how many people would you say are
living like you out here my age people
that live My Lifestyle not that many I’d
say like maybe 10 or 12 it’s mostly like
older hippies that made their way back
in the day got their cheap land built
their big house so you’re attracted to
the hippie lifestyle out here I try not
to call myself a hippie because like
hippies used to mean something different
it was more of a choice
nowadays especially with the weed
economy kind of being totally gone
people kind of get I wouldn’t say forced
into it but it just kind of happens like
you end up oh I I kind of lost
everything I could be homeless or get
this van and sustain by traveling that’s
what one of my friends said like that’s
how you know you’re really a traveler is
if you have to keep moving in order to
sustain yourself a lot of the people
that come out here spend most of their
year out in Los Angeles and just barely
making it so they can get here during
the summer because it’s not hard to live
here in the summer like you could
literally go pick a bucket of
blackberries hunt a rabbit and you’d be
all good the last time I came out here I
decided I was going to come and live out
here here get a job live in my car and
stabilize the second I got out here
little did I know 2020 pandemic hit
lockdown fullon lockdown especially out
here people got really scared out here
people got re even the hippie in the
beginning no one knew what the heck was
going on people were like we’re in a
small area if we get hit out here we’re
all going to die there was just so much
intensity nobody was hiring ing couldn’t
get a job just kind of got pushed into
the lifestyle of being in tribe being in
community that’s kind of how you make it
out here right everyone shares food
stamps and pulls their money together
you live as one you travel between spots
you don’t blow up the spot for too long
and so how does one get food
stamps it’s pretty easy out here I can’t
get them anymore because I had a job I
didn’t know I was making too much money
for a couple months and okay now they
won’t give them to me ever again which
is okay cuz I work and literally all you
got to do is go on the internet apply
say you’re homeless say you don’t have
an address and they’ll General mail all
your stuff to the post office get a w
ride down to wika and they’ll give you
your food stamp card that day it’s that
simple yep doesn’t matter where you’re
from you have to prove that you don’t
work or something you don’t really have
to prove much at all you literally sign
a note that says I haven’t made any
money and then give your John Handcock
and take a picture of it upload it to
the website oh this guy’s broke they’ll
give you the food stamps how much do
they give a month not much it’s
literally like 285 bucks which is why a
lot of people go out to weed that we
call it the gr out the next town over
called weed North called weed funny
enough there’s the gross out out there
the grocery outlet we call it the gross
out cuz it’s kind of cheap food you know
but they have good stuff because they
know they got to supply the hippies
you’ll get some really cheap organic
food with your food stamps and the
second cheapest option would be the
raise and I would say that the raise is
almost completely subsidized by the
government cuz hippie or not it’s
probably the most lowincome County in
Northern California
so you go to the Rays all those
employees are paid out by food stamps
the whole store is kept going by the
food stamps you get in line every card
you see going through that reader is
going to be a EBT SNAP card from
California wow how do okay how do you
feel about it now that you’re not taking
food stamps it feels better to me like I
like getting the food stamps but at the
same time you kind of get into a pattern
of like especially when you’re living in
your car are with a bunch of other
people doing the same thing you get into
the pattern of like oh I don’t need to
work I don’t I’ll just kind of roll
around with these dudes and I didn’t
really like that pattern like I want I
I’m a dreamer I have a lot of Ambitions
and goals so I kind of had to separate
from a lot of the community out here and
kind of do my own thing and I ended up
just kind of living by myself I was
working at a Wendy’s as a manager I
don’t really uh always fit in too well
with that stuff so I stopped working
there and now I’m doing the the food
delivery I do a little bit of caretaking
for kids with autism and stuff like that
so every year there are more and more
people coming out here saying I just
quit my job and I live in my van now
because prices are going up the wages
aren’t going up but the prices are going
up and living here kind of gives gives
me an idea of what’s happening in the
whole country cuz why would you come
here it’s in the middle of nowhere
people will kind of like Hey we’re going
to go up to Twin Arrows we’re going to
go out here and Twin Arrows is the big
spot okay where everybody comes this is
a oh they’re blocking that one yeah I’ll
tell you why so this is Twin Arrows you
come out here and there would be like
sometimes 30 or 40 cars all the way back
out there and they just post up and this
is where you’d be all summer and I’ve
actually done that um you can see they
left some trash around too yeah The
Echoes remain of the crazy crazy stuff
that happened here and I wouldn’t say
that they blocked it off just because
there’s hippies living in the woods they
blocked it off because there is history
here You’ think a bunch of hippies in
the woods are all living in peace but
it’s like I said a lot of these people
aren’t really true hippies that are just
trying to commune with nature a lot of
people that come here are living in a
van and wearing the clothes of a hippie
but I’m just going to say it like
there’s crime there’s people have died
out here a lot a lot of people have died
out here because it kind of gets like
Lord of the Flies like it’s a bunch of
traumatized kids that had to run away
from home and they don’t really know how
to live in the world and now you’re
putting them in a ringed out area to
live for the whole summer in the woods
Anything could happen you know I was in
this tent with my girl and we just hear
this dude he starts popping off going
crazy I hate all the hippies I can’t
stand this and then we hear a gun he
just starts shooting off his gun in in
all directions going nuts and uh I
remember remember at the time in my mind
I’m like man hippies aren’t supposed to
call the cops what do I do I called the
cops I was like I I was fearing for my
life dude I was actually super scared
and it’s funny because the sheriff did
come out and he basically was like oh he
can do that he could shoot his gun I
don’t care he kind of gave us the vibe
of like I don’t really care about you
guys like you guys go ahead and Destroy
yourselves they’ve never really enforced
anything that goes on out here it’s kind
like what happens in the woods now but
now they’ve shut it down now they’ve
shut it down because so where does it
pop up if you shut it down here where
does it pop up now it’s kind of
spreading out all over the area people
go up on the mountain now but this time
of year less and less people are here
the cold kind of does the favor of the
locals of keeping all the hippies out
you were just asking me like are you
kind of nervous to say some of this
stuff and it’s like of course I’m a
little nervous but I wouldn’t be myself
if I didn’t tell my story the way that
I’ve seen it happen and didn’t represent
this place fully is better for people to
really know the truth like when I came
out here I had no idea I had no idea how
the depths to which this life could take
me to and I just kind of had to find out
on my own so like more and more people
are coming into this life and it’s like
you know it’s it’s a good time traveling
around living in the van but you got to
understand there’s stuff that comes with
that like the places that you go the
things you’re going to see you’re going
to run into people who who Know You’re
vulnerable and some of those people are
some of your fellow Travelers you know
so I lived a van life for a little bit
but this is
1995 out of my buddy’s dad’s like empty
cargo van just metal right and we’d
sleep on the floor of it and we tore it
all around the US and that opened up my
eyes to the world or the country at
first right and that
experience I I credit a lot of my life
for is that experience CU we never
traveled growing up I grew up in the
Northeast in Vermont we never went
anywhere other than New York City in
Montreal so getting in a van and
cruising All Out West we had our
lawnmowing money it was 3 and a half
months just me and my buddy 18 years old
open road and we didn’t have but I don’t
remember these environments I’m sure
they existed in some form but we just
stayed I guess to
ourselves and I think it’s the way you
do the traveling and the situation
you’re in financially too that
determines the lifestyle what you get
around right yep yep it’s kind of in my
blood to travel like I’ve got oh I I
suggested I mean some people aren’t
designed for it and that’s totally cool
I respect everyone but I strongly
suggest just I admire guys like you how
old are you I’m 29 now 29 okay but
you’re you’re a young guy I’m looking
pretty fresh right you are but getting
out in the world and seeing things or
just in the
country it builds depth and balance
and understanding but there’s the Dark
Side like you’re saying increasingly
harder is what I’m trying to say mostly
like just with the climate of things
like California used to be The Travelers
dream because you get out to the final
frontier of California Northern
California back in the day everybody was
growing weed and nobody had to get
permission to do it cuz the police
didn’t really know how to fully enforce
it so the weed
legalization actually destroyed the weed
economy cuz now you got to spend like 50
Grand or something to get a big enough
license to actually Supply a dispensary
and you got to pay for packaging and by
the time it reaches the store it’s just
dried out industrial so that opportunity
is gone for sure yeah cuz like I used to
come out here and I would be able to run
into someone at the park and be like hey
man you want a trim and then you’d end
up at some nice house getting fed up
with steaks and mashed potatoes trimming
pounds of weed for 200 bucks an hour
like that’s a dream you know and that
was before
2016 before it was legalized
and so it’s like how I’d like to explain
this to many people because they don’t
interface with the weed industry or what
it was here it’s like any crop right
like you’re in Nebraska and growing corn
mhm right and that that’s all done by
the big big EG these days but it’s a
comparison like that’s your crop when
the crop goes the money goes y the
opportunities go yep y whole businesses
fell apart because who’s going to buy
the food who’s going to come into your
little shop like if there’s no money you
know and that’s where we get Rays
getting completely subsidized by food
stamps and things like
that what age should you leave home 16
at that age I didn’t even realize I was
homeless I just kind of saw myself as
flowing with the river I grew up in
southern Utah when I was 16 because I
wasn’t believing in the church my
parents kind of said like you either go
to church Mormon church yeah Cedar City
Utah oh wow shouts out to Cedar City
Utah see this video small town my
parents were really poor Mormons so we
didn’t really fit in very well with the
rest of the community we were kind of
like the misfit Mormons you know but I I
didn’t believe in it pretty much from
the time I could remember couldn’t stand
just having to sit there and listen to
some old dude talk you know and over the
years that kind of developed into me um
I became a musician I joined bands and I
was a you know from the time I was 15 I
was traveling around the whole state of
Utah setting up my own
shows and eventually I started you know
hanging out with older dudes smoking
weed and parents found out and they said
you either go to church and stop smoking
weed or you move out you’re already
doing your own thing bud and I said I
guess you’re right packed my bags and
started touring with my band and living
this traveling life do you talk with
your parents now we were on much better
terms back then they uh they were very
devout and it’s funny because they no
longer believe in it either they’ve left
the church and they support my path and
what I do and it’s really cool we were
able to make that shift that’s
cool I want to to the waves
Lar yeah call myself El Kemet because uh
I’m a master builder of sound Kemet was
what they called pretty it’s pretty good
yeah I got that say I like I can’t say I
like much new rap these days we keep it
conscious like my music is a culmination
of the knowledge that I’ve gained living
in the woods and being on the road so
it’s like my goal has been to like
create a commentary on this life and
bring Consciousness to the
this lower lower Vibe stuff we hear
nowadays what do you mean by that lower
Vibe stuff we hear nowadays well I feel
like the subject matter is really uh
dumbing down our youth and filling
people with with bad desires like
desires to do drugs and be violent and
like hip hop originally was a way to
alchemize your way through these things
like it was a way to like use words
words are are are made by spellings you
spell words and you cast spells words
are magic the words that you speak are
going to be what takes you where you’re
going to go you know the way that you
talk about reality is the way that
reality is so I really think that it’s
in the best interest of some of these
bigger corporations to have these guys
painting a picture of a life of excess
of consumption you hear this music and
you think you’re hearing this guy’s
story but it’s really the the best
interest of a corporation to have you
consume more you know so even in this
area the past four years I’ve been the
the Master Blaster of Mount Shasta I go
from you know open mic to open mic to
different places performing my words
giving a commentary on this life and it
inspires people like people come up to
me and like dude you made me feel
charged up just now with what you were
talking about like giving me riddles
sending me down down this trail of
breadcrumbs taking me to a higher truth
like that’s what art is supposed to do
right act as an escape or inspiration a
removal from the mundane mhm like I was
telling you earlier it’s all love and
light out here but it’s also kind of the
hood in the woods like anything goes
that’s kind of been my way of getting
through these things I like to put um
kind of like Mysteries riddles esoteric
wisdom in the song the goal is to make
get cool enough and have a dope enough
beat that you hear this terminology and
you’re like what is Nibiru what is
Marduk like what is he talking about you
look it up and you may may end up on a
whole spiritual Rabbit Hole just from
one sentence cuz that’s kind of how I
got into conscious hip hop I think it
was Illuminati Congo he said something
about triple black and I instantly I was
like that sounds like what triple black
what and I found out it was a it was
talking talking about in the Quran
you’re born in triple Blackness of womb
and the womb actually has three layers
which keep you in darkness so I was like
whoa born in the triple Blackness so I
called this song triple
black so this lake is one of the older
lakes in the country it’s glacial water
it actually comes down through here and
up under these Lava Tubes
the lava tubes are super interesting if
you notice that over here there’s a
little Shack I think it’s like the
University of Nevada or something is
studying the lake they’re studying it
because nobody knows how deep this thing
is come on nobody knows we have no idea
of knowing because there’s these huge
tunnels in this Lake Lava Tubes it’s
hard to get down there to actually see
and the tunnels go out from the mountain
all the way out to mount Lawson all the
way out to Pluto’s cave so the reason
why people started to believe that there
are Lans here is because of a dude named
explain Lan please so James churchward
in the early 1900s late 1800s he
theorized that there was a lost
continent between Hawaii and Mount
Shasta that got completely completely
destroyed in a cataclysmic
disaster and supposedly these people
were highly Advanced they could build
pyramids they could control the elements
people say they were the original human
or something like that Mount Shasta in
Hawaii according to James Church word
this this old kind of archaeologist dude
are the last pieces of lamura they
called it lamura because in Madagascar
there’s lemur right they don’t know
where the Lemur came from so they they
said oh off the coast of Madagascar
there must have been a lost continent
other scientists kind of agreed on that
so James churchward was like oh all
these cultures all over the planet have
these similarities between them right
weird similarities like you read the
books it’s actually really interesting
like ziggurats in Mexico and the
pyramids in Egypt type stuff mhm okay so
he was like damn
these dudes must have all at one time
come from this place like Atlantis or
something so Lura would have come I
guess after
Atlantis so they say that when the
continent fell all the people from
lamura ended up you know off the coast
of the Euphrates in Guatemala and they
did exactly what they did in lamura
built these temples built pyramids
people say that Mount Shasta is actually
a giant purple pyramid and if you look
at it kind of looks like a I know it
does driving in today it’s got a very
powerful feel I felt it right I felt it
it’s been a while I was here like 15
years ago but you come in and you’re
like like the
proportions are perfect for whatever
doing yeah what natives controlled this
back in the day the UR Rock they say
call it white devil Lake because there’s
white devil up here and the natives kind
of banded up here
together and uh they say it was one of
the last bow and arrow battles where
they didn’t they hadn’t bought uh
ammunition or found a way to work with
guns yet this was 1849 Gold Rush time y
like 1850 m50s yep okay the indigenous
people actually believed that this was
one of the birthplaces of the human race
itself the little people you know oh wow
the inner earth the little people so
yeah that’s a theme with a lot of native
tribes the little people yep so they
didn’t live here they knew there was
weird stuff that that went on here they
would come out here to hunt food to pray
and have ceremony and then they would
leave but when it came to the resources
being taken over they stepped in to
protect the land and this is original
indigenous this land and they fought to
protect it and it’s beautiful like this
water is so pure ancient water to this
day people come here from all over the
world to take their spiritual pilgrimage
and from the beginning it’s been a
site and this is a buddy or yours yeah
this is my old friend Aura we met each
other like 10 years ago at this old
coffee shop that’s closed down now
called the chai shop anyone who’s really
been around will tell you that the chai
shop was where everybody hung out and
connected and I met a lot of my
traveling friends this is Ora’s place
this is their bus they got they just got
the Tesla Ora is doing it in style with
a Tesla yep that’s kind of how they
sustain they’ve got their their bus that
can move around to wherever they want to
go and then they can do food delivery
and stuff in the Tesla oh really hi
that’s what he’s doing food delivery yep
hey boy that’s what a lot of people I
know kind of started
doing a quick break here guys if you’re
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we’re rolling hi everyone just I didn’t
know the true this is how I normally see
people your videos well Natalia is going
to answer your questions what was it
nine FBI agents came to our place barged
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back to the
video up how’s it going oh this is a
sweet bus it’s huge this is my friend
Ora how you doing Ora Hi how are you
Peter nice to meet you we’re making a
video is that cool yeah absolutely where
are you from originally I’m from Germany
can you live this type of Lifestyle in
Germany is it possible like this um no
no there’s not a lot not a lot of nature
like not a lot of open Nature where you
can just be you can camp and you can go
to a campground but or to an RV park but
you can’t just be free like this right
that’s one big reason why I love it here
cuz there’s so much more nature is that
your girlfriend wife or yes Morgan yeah
Morgan okay hi Morgan hi nice to meet
you you from Germany too no I’m from
Maryland oh wow M how’ you two meet we
met in
Sedona yeah you could also you could
also walk inside if you want oh yeah
yeah I’m just making some coffee
right Western is this
guys okay you you have this thing all
built out pretty well yeah nice wooden
table oh that’s cool you guys have the
generator generator there’s propane
there’s a sink with dirty dish in it
that but that’s a good size sink yeah we
have an instant pot and water heater
I’ll show you the battery set up pot
works really great for yeah this is the
battery set up in here all lithium
there’s light
switches then on the roof you have solar
panels right there’s solar and a little
some plants
growing we have some pablano
peppers little things
growing although it’s really free and
liberated there still is some kind of
conflict going on I think in the
I guess the politics of town or whatever
a lot of the biggest camping areas that
were not on the mountain that were down
in down here in the valley and on the
River where you could stay like year
round those have been closed off now so
that is a it’s less free yeah and a lot
of the spiritual people here like the
older people they’re a part of the I am
thing and the I am thing has been around
since the 1800s it’s the St Germain
Foundation basically like they all
believe in the teachings of the I am and
the St Germain so it’s people who used
to be hippies in the 60s and 70s that
came here on a spiritual pilgrimage and
ended up with this kind of getting into
secret Inner Circle of the I am they
became friends with the Masons along the
way and the Masons got members of the I
am to join them so then a lot of the
occult practi I from the IM got crossed
with the Freemasonry and the money of
the Freemasonry so they ended up owning
a lot of the land and the businesses and
some of the businesses they own are like
the tree cutting people you know people
who come and cut trees for Timber to
make paper well a lot of the old hippies
became great capitalists yes very great
capitalists so the people who you think
would be standing up to defend the woods
are actually the ones cutting it down
are you going to stop the cycle well I
mean you even see it with the with the
hippie communities they come out in
their huge groups to live out there for
a month and next thing you know half the
trees in the area are cut down so people
can be warm
so it’s a double-edged
sword yeah learning to be like
resourceful so you’re not taking more
than you’re giving or vice versa that’s
like the
such a big thing in this world and this
environment this space offers a lot of
practice with that because there’s so
much abundance like there’s trees to
stay warm and fresh spring water and
berries and you can really live off of
the land here a good amount like you
really can if you choose to some people
might see it as extreme but it’s
possible and having that Cornerstone of
like everything being reciprocal
and yeah a symbiotic relationship with
environment is
important okay so you’re saying after
you’re going to New Mexico soon and then
the East Coast she’s from um Morgan is
from Maryland and I want I want to
explore the east coast and see Maryland
get to know that but I would like to
travel back to India
soon okay so you guys are of always on
the move you find a place you stay few
weeks few months and then move on yeah
we have been yeah we were in the bay for
a while with the bus that was a fun time
cuz we were in the uh Berkeley area like
cruising around moving a lot and Ora was
working really hard and making some some
Moola so that’s how it works with the
economics you go in you make your money
you figure out whatever job works like
like door Dash in in the bay and then
you can move on and recently but in the
past I’ve I’ve just traveled without
barely without money I’ve Trav I’ve done
hitchhiking and freak wild camping and
stuff like that but to drive this across
country that’s a lot of gas right true
yeah the way that I live out here doing
service and kind of helping out people
with the house that I have the stability
I have I let people kind of come through
as they please and take showers and
stuff and it’s like kind of the inner
Mormon in me cuz I left the church but
over the years I actually started
missing like the the service projects we
would go over to like Mrs Johnson’s
house and clean her whole house and help
her move and things like that you miss
things like that really gives you a
sense of purpose to actually have the
that place in community so now you were
saying off camera you rent a studio for
700 bucks which is pretty good here
price okay there’s actually never people
here they must be having some kind of a
ceremony right now this is the Temple of
the I am these are the the people that
believe that St Germain still walks
these lands and they have their own
little rights of Ceremonies and things
like that and they own most of the town
as you could see is a really nice Temple
they it’s got a Mormon feel to it
actually yep it’s all in white the way
that the IM am people kind of interact
and exist very similar to Mormons they
keep to themselves a lot more than
Mormons though like uh they have their
own housing there’s this there’s a huge
apartment complex around here that says
that’s owned by the I am and a lot of
the people stay there so you don’t see
them in town because they all live
together and they only talk to each
other they kind of is this lady part of
the church you think she’s not wearing
all purple
she was wearing all purple you’d know
they wear all purple that’s how you know
they wear all purple cuz they believe in
the Violet flame do you think any of
them would want to go on camera or
that’s a tough one that would never
happen I got in with the Mormons I have
with the theic Jew I think that’s not
you might independently talk to one but
I don’t think you’d to ever get in with
the inner Inner Circle cuz like maybe I
could I could be wrong but cuz I’d love
to get their point of view you’re saying
you’re saying one thing from the outside
and like any group you know I got in
with many
Mormons and I have perspective too you
know what I mean like I don’t want to
put anyone under the bus cuz I don’t
know I’m not from here and I don’t know
what they’re doing you know I have a lot
of respect for um for the I am people
because I’ve read a lot of their books I
read all the time I’m super into reading
spiritual teachings and a lot of this
stuff is super good really like
wholesome stuff just you know basically
affirmations that take you to a higher
state of mind but the you know a lot of
the people here think that they might do
sketchy stuff or maybe they’re too
involved with the like the police are
too involved with the Masons and the
Masons are too involved with the with
the I people and it kind of sketches
people out personally I’m very uh deeply
study esoteric wisdom and and a lot of
the Masons like me because I speak some
code words or certain things about
history that connect deeply with Egypt
and Kemet like my hip-hop name is
literally El Kemet and a lot of the
Masonic knowledge came from Egypt and
the Master Builders which is why Masons
you know Master Builders
Freemasons look at that now is that
normal it looks like that it happens
pretty regularly so that’s the spaceship
look yep on top of the mountain they
call them lenticular
clouds they form all the time around
here and people say it’s cuz uh there’s
aliens coming to visit the city of light
in the mountain something called the
ashtar command or something like this
Galactic uh Federation that people
believe exists and is connected into
this place interesting the town looks
nice a lot of small businesses yeah
people are are scared of this area
changing people are scared of more
businesses coming in like the theory
coffee shop that came in I like it it’s
good coffee it gave people jobs it set
up a whole a whole area for a different
type of human to actually get what they
need so I don’t mind the idea of this
place growing there’s more jobs there’s
more ability for people to get stable I
think a lot of the reason why people
live the way they do out here here is
because it’s the only way to live like
even for a a average person that just
wants to come out I see it happen all
the time someone wants to come out here
move out here I’m just going to live in
my car till I find a place they never
find a place cuz there’s not many places
to live cuz it’s all kind of bought up
by Airbnb and things like that it’s a
vacation spot it’d be cool for it to
evolve into a more like a real town with
more businesses and have it not be so
hard to get a job and sustain yourself
like people here talk about how bad
money is and it’s like man I don’t hate
money money buys me food money buys me
clothes money buys me shelter things
that who hates money though if you want
to live in the modern world you need
money the hippies and I think they just
but they’re driving around they’re using
gas yep they just kind of say that to to
feel better about their situations oh I
don’t live in the system it’s like you
can’t escape the system you can’t escape
the matrix like you use a phone right
mhm you’re using the phone you’re in the
world so why not live in the world and
and bring the the energy that we have
into the world that’s kind of how I feel
about it if someone really believes that
like the modern world’s terrible
everything we do all the plastic we’re
using and oil Fair mhm you just have to
live like that quite often it coming
from people that actually drive really
inefficient vehicles
that complain about oil and I’m like
you’re participating by driving a get it
you have to but you’re not even trying
to get like the really good fuel
efficient vehicle yep um I won’t even
name the the the brand because my mom
drives it like type of car but it’s like
why you driving that thing it gets
terrible fuel economy and and you and
you care about the environment you know
there’s a weird disconnect that goes on
I don’t really get nobody wants to go
back to 1850 yeah nobody nobody you lose
so much you know so but I can I can
respect someone’s opinions and like if
they if they’re very conscious about the
resources they use I can respect that
but it’s like if you want a trainer in
the gym you want the guy that looks
ripped and like you know you can tell
it’s working out and the same with
anything right you want to you got to
lead by example you can’t talk is cheap
mhm doing actually takes some pain in
action and it’s interesting cuz like all
the people that I used to hang out with
like I kind of lost my whole community
of friends because I wanted to get
stable I wanted to be able to feed
myself with my own money and do what I
love simultaneously and I knew that it
was possible and because of it I lost a
lot of people along the way they’re like
oh you’re living in the system man like
you’re just you’re in The Matrix bro
like you you’re lost or whatever yeah
but what if they’re living off food
stamps that’s the thing that’s my my
counter argument so you and I have to
pay for that my counter argument is this
oh you don’t think you have to work you
don’t think you have a job what do you
do you spend eight hours a day on the
sidewalk maybe with a sign for gas you
spend eight hours a day making your wire
app so you can sell it so you can eat
it’s like we’re both living in the
system we’re both working equally as
hard the difference is I might have a
few more convenience es to actually take
care of myself and that’s worth it to
me if you see someone here walking
around with a purple bag you know there
are tourists coming here on some
spiritual pilgrimage cuz they’ve been
through Soul connections about their
crystals and they’re ready to go charge
them at the headwaters that’s kind of
what people do they get their crystals
and then they go to the sacred water
cleanse It Go have their ceremony on the
mountain they have a community center up
there where they let people teach yoga
classes and things like that yeah this
is like Shasta culture like where people
come and get their
clothes people come
and thank you thank
you the main reason why I have always
came in here in the past was for these
lamaran crystals people say there’s like
information from the Lost Continent in
these and if you activate it you’re
going to have like memories of the the
ancient people do you believe I kind of
do I mean I’ve had some weird
experiences with those crystals they’re
definitely higher quality than other
courts too like they have different
properties physically that set them
apart from other crystals I think you
can definitely program crystals to help
you advance and then there’s that Shany
Shany vibe in here for sure mhm they do
a lot of Kyon and stuff up the up in the
community center here’s St Germaine
this is St Germaine the man
himself here you have all the
books so here’s the power of I am here’s
the St Germaine books they got the whole
Violet flame secret name of God in you
yeah we don’t have a normal Book Shop in
Shasta this is this is the book Shop in
Shasta so if you want to read some books
you’re going to get some spiritual
wisdom here okay this place is
Library happiness is an inside job
that’s a good one
yeah here you got the gongs sound
healing I really like the gongs please
do not play ask for demo they used to
let people come here and play them I
used to come and play the gongs
sometimes you just come come in here and
walk around it’s good vibes you know
they got representation of like 100
different ideologies and beliefs in here
which is kind of the Shasta thing like
you don’t meet people who just have one
practice like PE the whole energy here
is like the spiritual Masters like
people come here to to learn things from
each other and like get wisdom from all
over the world because people from all
over the world come here to worship the
mountain like I meet a lot of people
from India and they believe that uh
Mount Shasta is somehow a cut yep they
believe that mount shast is somehow a
cousin of Mount meu where Shiva resides
so they believe that Shiva may have a
stronghold here because the waters are
connected and
yeah and out here here’s Nathan he’s
kind of a mentor of mine how guys doing
good how’s it going good vat for San
Pedro San Pedro cacti MH is that a quite
an interesting trip well saying it’s a
very grounded embodied journey into self
okay or other Journeys take you all over
the Realms this one brings it into your
body how’s it compared to iasa so aasa
is like she’s a trickster so she takes
you in and out of past present future
dream man where they call wuma the
Straight Arrow brings you right here for
pra I hate to get practical on you but
for practical uses it’s really good for
post-traumatic stress disorder troops
coming back from fighting people that
have been through harsh experiences
absolutely these psychedelics some of
them I mean they’re being researched for
that it’s not legal in a federal setting
yet but I’m sure it will be eventually
right yeah I mean Pharmaceuticals are in
control of what’s good for us the the
natural medicines and remedies that are
here easy to grow and I got to say this
cuz I’m on YouTube not promoting for
anyone to do any substance do your own
research do it deep and hard know what
you’re getting into to I’ve had an
experience that transformed my life in a
fantastic way as in I haven’t drank
alcohol in 9 years from my a experience
but I did it at 38 and if I was to do it
at 28 that would have been a bad call
exactly so these things need to be
treated with respect and uh and honor
and know what you’re doing don’t Church
setting in Peru or where it’s legal
there’s lot of in a good setting my
setting was not so good actually it was
a bit chaotic but anyways I’m not saying
to do any substances check it out on
your own all right back to the
video I don’t know like you have there’s
like some lines you have to balance on
yoube like they say it’s better to talk
about as like a Sacrament rather than a
medicine um is a a better thing to do
but also I only drink this in Peru and
luckily in Oregon it’s
legal he goes with me traveling shotgun
there everywhere and this is who I study
with and meditate with and we actually
went to a Buddhist Retreat last fall and
I meditated with him for three days I
put him as a little tiny cutting his
head fell off and another name for San
Pedro is wuma which means headless
getting out of your head and into your
body so his head fell off and I just put
dirt in him and then put a little
cutting on there and it rooted and grew
and he’s become his own personality he’s
even got a brain which is a crested form
a mutated form of the s Pedro so do you
communicate with your Cactus I listen
you listen what does it tell you
absolutely nothing every time I ask him
a question but he really uh that’s that
rhetoric of Silence learning to listen
how to be present and for me the cactus
speak to me through vision and metaphor
not through language
C little late that time sometimes gets
busy around here so what happens here at
the headwaters park in Mount Shasta
every Sunday Rainer sign at this little
gazebo for decades maybe 40 years plus
here with people like Rex here where
we’ll come even through the snow or what
have you and we get together and we
celebrate through playing music and
getting together here doing dance at
Mount Chasta every Sunday come and join
us and we have a a grouping of uh really
competent drummers with me oh and we
have the kids out running in the park I
and I have to concentrate on what’s
going on and the kids are out running
chasing around and the dogs are chasing
around and the the people are out there
with their hula hoops it’s hilarious but
it’s the energy it’s and and it’s the
Charming people that it attracts to our
place here it’s it’s really interesting
way this is about the Buckminster Fuller
meditation he coined the expression
spaceship birth he built the geodesic
dome I had an opportunity to be his
assistant at weekend workshops three
times and what he taught me there was
that his personal meditation one of the
most brilliant people ever was to root
in stand still root in the earth like a
tree and you hold your roots into place
and get real still and you can feel the
spinning Buckminster Fuller noticed that
the sun does not go down sun down
doesn’t happen the Earth spins he
suggested calling it sunclipse The sun
is being eclipsed by the spinning of the
planet and during that time during those
three minutes just when it first touches
down and uh when see I still say when
the sun touches down when the earth
spins up and start including the bottom
of the sun until it gets to the top of
the sun is about 3 minutes and we go
about 75 miles toward the East during
that time and it’s easier to feel that
Earth moving at that time what what an
amazing experience getting to meet him
oh well that was fun oh and and in the
morning the morning is sunsight so you
have sunsight sun clips he gives a thing
to be looking forward to around here hi
how you doing good I just wanted to say
hi and say that I love your videos thank
you so much so much about cool people
group this is my daughter bethl bethl
yeah I just this is my son Ezra Ezra
wondered if we could get a quick selfie
with you oh yeah yeah oh my gosh so cool
I know you no no are you okay I was
recording yeah yeah that’s F I didn’t
want to interrupt cuz I know you were no
let’s do it let’s do it let’s do it you
want to get up here buddy you want me to
get low how do you want me to get in
here on my knee yeah that’s with your
Heights you’re taller than
me got it hey well thank you I really
appreciate it thank
you kind of the moment when the energy
is totally at its maximum here is called
Lion’s gate it’s August 8th and it’s
literally this moment when almost like
the Smurfs hang out with the aliens and
they go looking for Sasquatch you know
type of moment and there’s just so much
magic happening around here all these
different people from all over the world
come and do their prayers and their
things it’ll be it’s an event it’s it’s
worth coming for you said we’re going to
go to your place though right oh yeah
we’re we’re go out to a place that uh
that I’ve had the permission to Steward
um I’m a law a raw land developer on the
other side of the mountain here and I uh
have a place I call the sacred fire of
Mount Shasta where um I host uh you know
two small defel local things uh that I
believe should come to pass so uh I grew
up in Southern Arizona and since I left
my home place when I connected to Shasta
she’s always been almost like the center
of a compass and I know wherever I’m at
on anywhere on this planet with it being
the center of Shasta here how I
discovered this this place was actually
through uh the oportunity of wandering
kind of chasing the mystery you know
being young enough to uh uh get out into
life and uh just take risks take some
risk you know go go go along with
something and see what’s out there you
know make a make your bag small you know
cuz you might find uh what you need
along the way a lot of us you know we
arrive here with just our Sid sling bag
our craft box and our instruments I’ve
heard a lot of people say that how you
end up in Mount shast is by burning all
your Bridges you know type of thing that
uh and and and that doesn’t mean that
you got a big old trail of like nonsense
behind you but there’s a lot of uh
trails and gaps that we’ve been Crossing
in our life that aren’t leading in the
right direction and you may need to
actually like cross some aspects and
never go back
oh this is cool we’re way out there
we’re in the boonies now oh that’s cool
he’s got the put the frame around the
container that’s actually I never
noticed that’s pretty cool so you made
everything like on a small foot
footprint so that he didn’t have to do
the coating what do you mean the coating
like you can’t build a big house aren
like Codi or they’re not up to coat
because they’re small
enough you have to have like the permits
and stuff oh okay I don’t know if
Sparrow can confirm this but if you look
at these oak trees this is kind of how
the the indigenous people would would
plant forests they would actually burn
down all of the Pines and The Cedars and
plant Oaks so this is like what a to me
this is what a healthy Forest looks like
the spread out trees because if fires
happen it’s just going to burn through
the undergrowth and the trees are going
to remain so right and you know there’s
hundreds of species that associate with
oak trees and only like 20 or 30 that
associate with conifers Sparrow nice
Zone welcome this is awesome yeah this
is the bird’s MK right here that’s my
little cabin here hand milled from the
dead standing local trees around here uh
it’s nice to have a little bit of a
human habitat in this ocean of
Wilderness Area out on this side of the
mountain this is out there man yeah
we’re we’re a little bit out there not
total Road Warriors though you know 30
minutes yeah you you can get to some
natural food store and some good people
in about a half hour or so right yeah
what you got over here is uh I’m working
on the sauna and so these boards that
are under here these are from a a
vintage Barrel from the Stewart Mineral
Spring so this is first grow growth
Redwood um from a barrel that was made
in the 1800s where I’m refinishing these
to make the benches for the sauna that’s
hard to get first growth oh impossible
it really is a it’s a recycled yeah and
because it was a barrel Peter not a
single knot is like the trick to it like
that that’s how you can really tell this
this old growth type of stuff and uh so
yeah like uh the whole building
philosophy here is like the 8020 so like
I got to use 80% local renewable
reusable materials and at the most 20%
of stuff that you go buy at Home Depot
these are Sparrow principles these are
Sparrow principles type of thing oh cool
cute dogs kind of off the chart here
right after 2008 this is a landowner
carries deed type of thing so I didn’t
win the lottery um I put less than
$11,000 down and paid $370 a month for 7
years um to own 2 and 1/2 acres over
here the water table’s right below the
surface so my well was super shallow um
and there is national forest all around
you and so so yeah I ended up out here
and I don’t think any humans until the
since the native people had lived out
here um and there’s a there’s a flowing
uh year round Headwater spring that’s
about 100 yards from here so it’s one of
those places but uh you know as the
project evolves you know things have
gone on but this spot right here this is
the very first thing that we made here
where we brought up and did a land
blessing um and brought up a little
little sand Circle and walked all this
stuff in originally and uh you know
started the all the first all night
prayer service around here with some D
Elders from northern Cal uh Northern
Arizona that came out here and kind of
helped us out with a uh setting the
container you know kind of talking to
the mountain and our relations like that
and uh do our best to come up in here in
a way you know to be uh a part of what
already is here you know Chast is right
there right we’re going to walk right
over here and chass is going to just
jump right out at you w what’s going on
out here uh so building a teee or
something yeah so this is the ceremonial
site I’ve been up here for 15 years and
over that time period there’s been uh
over uh 50 all night prayer services the
Native American Church predominantly uh
all sorts of different tribes have
brought their fireplaces to Mount Shasta
and how you guys doing what’s
up look at that
that’s pretty sweet it’s pretty
huh how’s it going good happy to see you
you too nice your name s set upin yes
he’s getting people to put skin in the
game uh meaning that he uh encourages
people to fast for 7 days one of the
Gatherings I was up here recently this
summer it was a predominately
grandmothers like around 20 of them over
60 true grandmothers that predominantly
speak Spanish from all over the world
that came to mount Chast to fast for
seven days and my good Ally right here
him and his crew he’s got he actually
has some of his Apprentice here kind of
learning like how he’s doing this thing
right now and they’re on day five of
fasting right now oh wow yeah today it’s
my fifth day how long could you fast
for oh I did a 40-day fast back in
2022 wow yeah this are some mly boots
you’re wearing there where where does
one find those some fancy shoes are they
motorcycle or what are they what what’s
going on there you know uh I was in New
York uh a few weeks ago expanding the
network and one of the people gave it to
me yeah I don’t have you guys any seen
you ever seen anything SP a lot of time
in it’s
like like Moon boots meets Vans meets
boots yeah right they’re
like you know I have a network of people
that we fast around the world and I
mainly connect myself from manasta and I
have people in Germany Italy Spain
Colombia Mexico even Africa okay what’s
this place mean to you mount Chasta uh
it means uh a
connection heaven on Earth it’s when
where Heaven the brothers from the
starts uh meet with the Earth that’s why
I you feel that here yeah that’s why
that’s why why I’m here for the fasting
cuz you know I have all these people
fasting with me every month and by me
holding the frequency from this place
and other people holding the frequency
from other places we just create a a
powerful Network to elevate the
frequency of the planet so by me being
in riding front of the mountain it means
that I’m being guided with the brothers
from the start Shasta is an amazing
community of multi-age group diverse
people that depending on like what what
gown you’ve put over like your
connection to Creator we all seem to
have a spiritual center with each other
and uh familiar thread that seems to be
going on it doesn’t matter where you
grew up in the world it doesn’t matter
um your finances your age what what what
it is it seems like people in the
witness of Mount Shasta have the
opportunity to remember their spiritual
connection to the mother of nature that
there’s something real special going on
with this mountain and it calls people
that’s how we all know each other how
did you connect with me you saw my Utah
license plate absolutely we both came
from the same Liberty Park Circle and
made our pilgrimage here to feel that
freedom you know and we’ve been able to
build that and build that connection
between us this guy came through Utah
like we all came to work in Utah
together across the street from each
other I I’m an unemployed federal
employee the last thing I did on the
payroll was I did Wilderness therapy for
adjudicated youth in southern Utah for
years and years and uh when all of a
sudden we kind of wiggled the priorities
when the when the two Tower thing got
hit because we were providing mental
health you know what I mean for these
these kids that a big part of our
funding was through Medicare and when
when we readjusted this company that had
365 days a year seven seven companies uh
every day um off Trail this is a 60-day
off tril experiential learning thing
that was going on a catalyst of positive
change for every single person that came
in contact with it whether it was the
parents the students people that worked
with it the towns that we worked out of
type of thing and uh me and Nathan know
each other from all the way back then it
was a one of the most amazing
opportunities I’ve ever had to actually
like live that way thank thank our
federal government for valuing this at
that time and what happened is they
moved the budget enough when we kind of
ran off to the Middle East and this
company called Aya that worked out a
Southern Utah went under after around
like 30 or so years of doing that and uh
and ever since then I’ve I’ve demanded
to actually like stay at the people’s
level and like figure out how to like
you know people ask me as a homestead
are like what do you do Sparrow and I’m
like why you need something done I do
whatever it takes you know like I’m a
jack of all skills like I’m at the
people’s level like what what can I do
to help you know type of thing uh
entrepreneur but more like just a
helpful hand that believes that the
world uh is a great place to be in and
we uh you know have no idea the
different ways in which we can uh plug
into it so hope hopefully hopefully that
money comes back because that sounds
like a great cause we need we need so
much of that right God you you know we
need so much of this you know like I
live in an ocean of of national forest
it is so neglected right now we’ve got
we got weird interests like there’s
nobody in this Forest unless they’re
paid to be in it whether it’s National
Forest people or Timber industry like
people come back to the forest like we
need to actually have a tangible
connection to our
land get four baths going during the
Retreats so this heats the water for the
bathtubs it’s a full-on retreat yeah we
did that on our third day of fasting
during the
night this is your Zone this is where
the guests stay oh I’ve never been in
this one oh it’s nice and warm in here
there’s a beds for people and it’s
extremely cozy here
really good use of space and he just got
all this done this past year so he just
like finished it super
nice Mar mlin yeah Jesus s man and AAR I
I didn’t think you would have Jesus in
here to be honest why I don’t know I
just don’t get the Christian Vibes up
here yeah well I don’t I don’t see as a
Christian I see everything as a energy
to me he’s like represents Pure Energy
yep Purity the energy it’s not
you know Christianity it means energy
well what’s interesting to me is that if
you talk to not everybody but a few
different tribes in America specifically
they’ll tell you that when the conquers
or the settlers came they said hey we
want to introduce you to Jesus like
maybe you’ve heard this in Mexico they
said we already know Jesus they already
had their own word for that energy and
for that person and some people
including the Mormons believe that Jesus
went all over the whole planet and shown
his light into the four corners of the
earth which is what it says in the Bible
so that’s why a lot of people still feel
that connection to it because they feel
that they’ve always had that connection
to it and that’s it’s like you were
saying it’s like it’s not the church
it’s it’s the energy that people connect
to hopefully you worked up an appetite
oh yeah smells good nice hopefully
you’re hungry there
got some uh wild mushrooms so that’s
morel mushrooms garden herbs our local
Freer range cows the only ingredient
that doesn’t come from the mountain is
the Real Salt from Utah so that’s your
what I’d call your 100m pot Lech that
has Garden wild food and consciously uh
animal husbandry 8020 principal at work
8020 principal in full swing we’re
omnivores but some of us just like the
plants so I made
right now we have a uh this here is uh
this has got a bunch of local vegetables
all those herbs and then it also has the
Matsu Taki that grows out in the
volcanic soil it’s actually coming up
now this is like my I’ll would say my
ceremonial family my my brother Tim here
he’s a he’s an artist he makes a
ceremonial art you want to take a look
at a couple things yeah sure sure taught
me a lot everyone’s got an organ played
around here you notice
that let’s
see the magical boxes there this is all
a lot of my personal POI go I finished
this a few months back and started
dancing it I started it some years ago
but that was the first piece of them was
moccasins I started doing bead work and
stuff like that when I was like nine
okay and just kind of took off with it
and porcupine quill work my grandma my
mom’s side by blood is chalk tall and
Creek my dad’s side was
Irish but I never really met the guy and
so it’s kind of funny I look Irish but I
was raised native interesting and yeah
and so though my grandma was chalked
Hall and Creep by Blood my upbringing
lner was sich changu L out of rose bud
and so a lot of what I learned growing
up my my be heat work um all of that you
know was inspired more by ples native
stuff rather than you know you know oh
nice spread her to my RO so is that hard
to explain yourself growing up when
you’re half native you look white so
it’s like do people question or what’s
that like they do a lot um natives in my
experience in travel are the only like
people I guess culturally speaking in
the world that are asked to prove a
pedigree like dogs sure like what what
percentage of their blood exactly and so
it’s like then you get into the ego of
it and the I’m more indianer than you
argument right I’ve seen some of your
videos and you’ve been to different rzes
and stuff like that and and so you’ve
seen all sides of it yes and and it’s
awesome um I I I love seeing the raw
side of the rist cuz it’s not it’s not
something that many people get to see
yeah I mean you can clearly see I don’t
claim to be a full- blood native I’m not
I’m not that I never will be but a lot
of these Elders that I grew up around
and some of them that I knew yeah
they’re gone you know and you can’t get
that back you know and so while they’re
here I respectfully try to learn as much
as I can from them when I was when I was
their age my own kids age I fell in love
this so amazing you know what you means
I got an
idea well let’s hear what ready it’s an
angel so we got a bounty uh from Mount
Chasta here of local food so uh you
you’re going for both you’re going for
both that that’s kind of the deal is
they actually go so well together you
are all over it super power mushroom
that’s next level right
there that’s the essence of Shasta rubus
rub Mor rub rubil actus I I need to go
chase around you in the forest here and
learn some new mushrooms like so good so
one of the goals that I have is to
actually not have to take any pills that
I’m trying to do this whole thing as
natural as possible live natural die
natural and at some point I started
having muscle spasms I’d been vegetarian
most my life and I just was like having
this thing going on and and so I had to
start really taking vitamins otherwise I
was dealing with these cramps and all
this other stuff and at some point
around that same time period a few years
into this is when I ran into my first
super flush of Morales where like it was
like boom like ended up with hundreds of
pounds of it and I was able to stop just
having a few a season but actually have
it as a staple and what I learned about
these Morel is they are one of the most
bioavailable diverse nutrient dents of
all foods and especially mushrooms that
you can eat and so now that I’ve been
able to introduce these wild Foods into
my diet on a regular basis it’s cured me
of so many different aspects which one
of them is that I’m absolutely
nutritionally dense I don’t have food
anxieties um and I no longer have muscle
spasm sleep like a baby but you eat beef
now too oh yeah definitely like beef so
that helps too right A lot of people in
this new age they ask me what I think is
a superfood yeah I would say nose to
tell cow not just eat its muscles but
actually like U you know like make a
bone broth working with AES tendon the
neck and the tail along with the the cut
bones and the knuckles to where you get
that full spectrum and heat digested
aligning with the intelligence of like
what food is providing in your region in
moment the labels get all mixed up what
did you just say I you call me a hippie
that’s fighting
words nobody likes to be called Hipp
hippies don’t kill and eat their own
meat that’s for sure all right so you
guys are you guys are green necks you’re
green necks maybe well I’ve just become
aware of this because of you I think
that’s probably a good label but then
you talk to my husband over there who’s
got 16 different accents and you can’t
try to typ C there’s no label on this
guy been around all the peoples man like
got to talk to who you
talk ryson thank you buddy appreciate it
thank you man thank you so got thanks
for bringing me into your world uh
thanks for coming out here man really
interesting perspective on life ryson’s
music is down below in a link you’re
going to send me yeah I’m going to send
you the link and whether you like my
music or not if you want to support me
as a human my music is up to be donated
for whatever amount I’ve got it on band
camp you could give me a dollar and have
the album cool dollar for the album yeah
dollar you know nice and I I got this
Stone here this is a Mount Shasta andara
Crystal that I’ve had for a while it’s
really dear to me and I wanted to pass
it on to you to give you a little piece
of the mountain thank you Ryon I just
wanted to you know give my people a
chance here to be seen you and uh I feel
like that prayer has been answered in a
lot of ways I’m really glad you came out
here man me too no this has been
interesting it’s been fun it’s been fun
yeah I know quite a r I love getting
into different worlds that are different
than my own this is how I learn this is
how the audience learns and this is this
was awesome beautiful day all right guys
until the next one thanks Bry we did it