He Bought a Ghost Town in Arizona’s Desert

Feb 08, 2025 1.2M Views 2.3K Comments

North of Phoenix, near the base of the Bradshaw Mountains, is a remote ghost town in the middle of the desert. This almost abandoned place is returning to life since three guys recently bought it. Join me in meeting the new owners, the weathered locals that call it home, and come on an adventure to mines with untapped riches.

► Learn more about Cleator: https://www.whatsyourcleator.com/
► Watch Joe’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@joepolish
► Check out Ray’s work: https://www.instagram.com/villafanestudios
► Joe’s Genius Network: https://www.joesfreebook.com/
► Addiction Recovery Resources (Genius Recovery): https://geniusrecovery.org/

► 🎞️ Video Edited By: Natalia Santenello

► Pearce Roswell – Get Mine

so you bought this recently the whole
town the whole town as far as we know we
have completely saved this town from
being destroyed we found a voting booth
which we still have oh this is from way
back cleer bar in yach club has a
culture of people that bar in yach club
there’s not any water but it makes sense
once you see it James cler’s original
mines that’s all silver just old cabin
that’s been here for 100 years and at
your own risk so in the 1980s they were
doing it in the oldfashioned way yep mom
and pop just with to pick in a shovel
BR this is Skid Row over here
yes here you’re still in the desert once
you get up there it’s just a suggestion
try not to die look it what a view right
I used to work for a Marvel and DC
Comics Warner Brothers how many
opportunities in the Arc of a life do
you have to purchase a town 1 hour from
your residence usually zero at most one
there used to be hundreds of people that
have lived over here over the years this
was established in
1864 it was sold to a guy named James P
cleeter and I got a text from uh my
friend Jason and he said you want to buy
a ghost town like a joke with a link to
this town cleater for sale and rumor has
it someone else was trying to buy the
town they were going to level the town
and turn it into an RV park so it’s by
the way this art fence we had a guy
named Nick who redid this whole art
fence with all of the original mining
equipment shovels all kinds of stuff you
can see this is sort of like a selfie
Museum around here so um Jason had sent
me this text he’s like you want to buy a
ghost town and and in my brain started
thinking you ever heard of uh meow wolf
no okay so meow wolf George Martin who
wrote Game of Thrones he had a bunch of
basically broke artists talk him into
buying an abandoned bowling alley in
Santa Fe New Mex Mexico and they turned
it into now what is the number one
tourist attraction in Santa Fe called
meow wolf and they made a movie about it
and everything and as soon as he had
said to me you want to buy ghost town
like I started looking into it cleer and
I started thinking cleer for creators
how do we bring creators out here
artists and things like that and so that
was the inspiration of like what I can
do and also during that time we’re
looking for property for a bugout
place okay yeah like Co bugout the C if
the world goes into an apocalypse where
the hell would we go cuz I’ve never been
a real estate guy or anything as far as
we know we have completely saved this
town from being destroyed and there’s
several people that live here and they
still do and old school locals still
live here oh yeah one one guy who you’ll
he may be up here in the bar he’s lived
here I think now this year would
probably make it 24 24 years okay the
bar the bar is still functioning oh yeah
the bar is completely functioning Tom
cleer uh James cleer son actually had
the bar okay uh and so that’s been
around for a long time I mean a long ass
time so this this Schoolhouse was built
in the 1930s and uh one of the people
told me they they would have as many as
a hundred students in here which I find
kind of hard to believe but maybe that’s
possible because this is a mining town
and this is the start of the Bradshaw
Mountains right those are the bradshaws
mhm which have a lot of dark stories
from what I’ve heard yes they supposedly
had cult sacrifices there’s this weird
ass article I have no idea if any of
this is true
uh but there was supposedly in the 70s
someone that would like they had a cult
up there and they had a slab where they
would they supposedly killed people so
who knows yeah I mean we’re only what an
hour and 20 minutes north of Phoenix
yeah 5 million people basically down
there but this feels in the middle of
nowhere exactly it is the middle of
nowhere and we’re talking Phoenix is I
what the fifth largest city in the
United States now can we check out the
schoolhouse totally
Judy hi I am Joe polish and I have never
ever met you yes so this is Peter Peter
nice to meet you how long have you lived
here is it okay if we we like what are
you doing no we’re he’s making a he’s
making a video we be on YouTube are you
okay with that that’s fine I’m not one
that anywhere that I know of okay not
yet right okay cool so how long have you
lived out here 18 years 18 years yeah
well you can explain a hell of a lot
more than I could about so what do you
know about this and thank you by the way
for yes the beautiful floor it was
thrashed this place I didn’t think they
would ever save it until Cory came in
yeah he did amazing work on this floor
and everything Cory who’s standing right
behind you is the one that restored this
whole place all this work it was full of
garbage rats mice you would think it
would never be saved it looked like it
would have to be demolished and it’s
just amazing what they did we found a
voting booth which we still have uh is
voting booth yeah right here right here
in this was from uh boy do we still have
the original uh paperwork with it or is
that somewhere else you have it yeah I
have it somewhere oh this is from way
back this is from like I think we have
stuff from like the 1930s that’s like a
pre- 50s font right totally okay so Judy
what was it like here 18 years ago when
you moved here um it was pretty much a
ghost town there was like I think um
seven people there then here Big Dave
used to run the bar and the cleer bar
have you been in there yet it’s cool no
we’re we’re going to go so do you love
it out here yes I do okay what do you
think I guess I guess since we have Joe
here um you’re not going to say you ha
the new ownership but uh how does it how
does it feel having someone coming in
and putting all this energy into the
town what are your thoughts it’s good to
see them trying to update it some and
all it’s very good I hate to see it you
know fade away nobody was doing no
repairs or anything before they came
along okay okay my cabin’s like 130
old no way yeah I was told that parts of
it was brought down from Wickenberg
because they used all the pine trees and
all up here and Crown King and all for
the railroad and whatnot so our cabins
were brought from wienberg and put back
together would it be cool if we checked
out your cabin today something yeah it’s
kind of a mess but you could check it
out that’s all right you’re putting all
your cleaning into this
building so it is Dusty out here well
130 years is cool in Arizona you don’t
see that too often no that’s why I love
it so much it’s way awesome I’ll take
you guys over there
happen you want to do that right now
let’s do it yeah that’s great you guys
come over with that is
great Corey what’s your story here Cory
I just work for the owners I’ve been out
here for about two and a half years
that’s all your work Cory that ceiling
in there is you ceiling we sanded down
the floors restained them um the floors
are all original to the building I built
all new windows every single window had
been missing these are beautiful all the
window sashes were actually broken out
and used as a template you’re over there
well I guess uh Cory in this town you
don’t have to drive places right
everything’s walkable jud’s got a
classic place to me it’s exactly what
these cabins should look like it’s it’s
just cute so are these old mining cabins
yes lasted in Arizona for over 100 years
being wood that’s pretty impressive the
house here with the white cross that was
the original assayer’s office this
building here with the flag uh-huh was
the original cook
Shack the one behind it was they called
that um just a train house I’m not
exactly sure what its purpose was well
the the railroad tracks went right up to
it I could probably find an old picture
of that and show you oh this is Judy’s
place this is cool came out of this road
here Judy’s a collector she has an eye
for sure and so the mines were how far
away from here back in the day well
there’s some actually here in town in in
town we can see those today I you know
we probably could except I don’t know
exactly what because they’ve come out
here recently mean my other partners and
they have found other Minds so we’re
talking over they’re here today too yeah
they know yeah they should know okay
okay and we’re talking like these are
it’s been over 100 years well it’s been
about 100 years I think they quit mining
in uh the 1930s but here in ceter I’m
not sure Jud got Judy’s got a unique
Place yeah she does she might have us
going back door so let me ask okay Judy
which way do you want us to come
okay Judy’s the character huh these
little stone walls back okay Judy you
built these walls here enter your own
wrist yeah I haul all these rocks I’ve
held every one of them here there was
nothing in this yard when I moved in lot
of artists out here huh I love it I just
had to do a new wax ring so the carpet
Judy did you draw these did you draw
this Judy oh it was just colored col
them I cutor a lot calmed you down okay
calms you down yes boy I need to try
that then because I could I could use
some calm you down wow look at this this
is so darn unique so this I think this
is the original part the first part of
the cabin I think 130 years old yes okay
you got a nice stove back here that was
here when I moved in and it’s nice and
warm right now that’s nice and warm yeah
love it I call this is like the sitting
room all the cat might run past you the
cat might run past okay this is like the
dressing room Kitty room there’s no dog
Judy am I ever coming back mentally
after this experience all right so let
me see I feel like I’m going to be
changed you want to stay that’s Brave
heart in a good way he normally don’t
like people a lot so he might just take
off go go pet him Joe little K Joe I
mean am I going to get attacked have a
dog so that’s
good okay hard it’s okay baby hi baby
they’re not going to take you away it’s
all good
braveart actually looked like ready he’s
the best rat Hunter I’ve ever had wow
rat Hunter so a lot of rats out here yes
okay patat or whatever outside now he
brings one every other day you know Judy
the inside of this place is just as
artistic as the outside this is pretty
cool so Jud you’re in you’re in Kid Rock
here obviously yeah I think Kid Rock’s
pretty awesome who’s who’s this guy in
the that’s my dad okay so he passed away
many years
ago so that was the dring room K room
you’re almost T this made for short
people am I helping with the lighter or
am I making it worse oh you’re doing
great show thank you this is the craft
room the craft room yeah so back here
you create everything that we put
outside and all wow this house is way
bigger than you would thinking outside
it really is this is the bedroom it’s
painted like a fish bowl yeah because
everybody stares at you from the bars
you know you feel like you’re in a fish
bulb because they’re always staring at
you my boyfriend he’s very artistic he
did those draging yeah wow he is really
that’s her and her babies and then
there’s another one over here really wow
he’s talented he is way talented him and
Cory probably get along really
well and then you’re coming to the front
so could you imagine living anywhere
else no no I was really scared at first
I didn’t know what the owners were going
to do oh I was petrified for a long time
you know what I think people were a
little freaked out of us uh in the
beginning too but we we had our first
town meeting here you weren’t there no I
was I work in Crown Kings five six days
a week gotcha so check this out so we do
our first uh town meeting and there’s
supposedly five five residents 60 people
show up and I’m like going okay there’s
a bunch of squatter here now I filmed
this whole thing too I have it on video
I never put it on YouTube or anything
but we we have this video I told the
story about how we’re going to buy the
town and and they know this area better
than we do these some of these people
they’ve been out here for years not just
living but just hanging out like like
the cleater bar and yach Club has a
culture of people that bar and yacht
yacht club right you’ll see you’ll see
the yacht I’ll I’ll take you by the yach
as you can see there’s there’s not any
water but it makes sense once you see it
okay so so what we did in the back of
the uh cater bar Yacht Club this area uh
and what ended up happening was uh I
said look uh we don’t want to kick
anyone out unless you’re causing trouble
or doing illegal stuff you know we’re
here collaborate you know and and we
want to we want to restore the town we
we don’t want to change it into
something that wouldn’t be cool and
that’s what we’ve attempted to do and so
we’ve not kicked anyone out the only
time we would ever like kick someone out
is if they really are Troublemaker so
you want people like Judy to to stay
here absolutely
absolutely there’s some of my buddies
they just showed up here that is
hysterical they showed up all of a
sudden one day in my dark and he’ll try
to get your KN if you let him okay so is
there any governance here like there’s
no mayor or anything here is there no
there’s no May everybody wants I’m I’m
the mayor actually
but new mayor’s in town yeah J sheriff
jayon is the sheriff I’m the mayor okay
but uh but no we we what’s kind of cool
is there’s not really much crime out
here no the people are really cool and
they kind of take like you see Judy here
today which you know she’s they take
care of the
place cleer bar
you are entering a redneck area you may
encounter American flags armed citizens
The Lord’s Prayer and country music and
you might have to use the back door here
use back door all right does it ever
close uh it’s open from 11: till 5 on
weekdays and it’s open till 6 on
weekends over here is where the original
bar was it used to sit back here and
that was where the drinks were later on
they set up the other side here and then
that’s cleer that’s a painting of him
okay on the back wall
there so the dollar bills what I’ve been
told is that back with the miners you
know going back to the 30s maybe before
who knows that if they didn’t go and
find gold or silver they stapled a
dollar bill to the wall or tacked it to
the wall and if they didn’t find
anything they at least had money for a
bath and for food and for a drink when
they came back so it was a bit of
insurance for them it was just booming
bust right yeah always totally what was
really cool was back during the
Depression there was a lot of stone just
very rudimentary Stone buildings built
in the area for miners um just absolute
desperation they would build as as small
and rudimentary of a cabin as they could
right along a creek bed stay in it and
just it was a rough
living so is you can see this is why
they call it the cleer bar Yacht Club a
few boats and there’s jet skis that are
randomly just parked out here a this is
so cool guys so there’s the big boat I’m
assuming you probably want to know how
did that get out here yeah I would like
to really know the real story on that
too Cory do you know so it was a stunt
man Hollywood stunt man used to live
down on Lake Pleasant he built the boat
as basically a prop and kind of lived in
it momentarily it actually sunk in late
Pleasant twice they’ve recovered it uh
after the second time it sunk the fella
kind of gave up on it and they brought
it up here this is wild where are you
from okay so you take the four by over
here or the the side by side that’s my
Hummer right there the senator highway
back route we’re just going to go back
this way you’re ripping the desert you
come out stop for a be Cruis and then
head all the way back all
Offroad 3 hours all the way back but
it’s a beautiful drive what do you see
out in the Bradshaw is anything super
interesting out there oh God are you
talking about wild de I’m just talking
about like creepy squirrs that have
creepy stuff the bear that ate the guy
last year is that Good’s
that his neighbors all kind of hated him
he was like reming the cabin I don’t
know why they hated him from the valley
he was out there drinking his coffee on
his like Jeep camper tent thing and bear
God him just start dragging him through
I thought you were joking a bear really
did eat he screaming and people were
looking out their window but nobody came
out to rescue him cuz they all hated him
and he actually got eaten so about 20
minutes later someone in the
neighborhood found out came out with a
gun bear already they had to euthanize
the bear it took them three days to find
the bear though yeah but they used nice
it well they found out later then that
the guy had been feeding the bear for
two weeks previous there was so there
was don’t feed the Bears do not feed
coffee no food I’m like that’s not the
way that so we’re from Alaska that’s why
the neighor not high school I went to
high school down in Tucson and stuff but
I went to ASU and Na and then um we we
moved here from
Alaska and my buddy here he’s from
Alaska right
there we know a little bit better than
most about dealing with bears you know
what you do with bears you leave them
the hell alone what would you say are
the similarities between Alaska and here
this part of Arizona wild west wild west
the wild west you really get that wild
west feeling here I only live in Wild
are without a doubt man I mean and yeah
Wild West well preset you know if you
know Alaska is as wild as it gets pretty
much but if you look it historically
like Prescot was a pretty wild ass place
man I mean Doc Holiday was there and
what do they call them Rough Riders the
Rough Riders they actually formed in
Prescot Arizona they were the marshals
for the Territorial state here so yeah
there’s a lot of history here man if you
go actually up this road you’ll see some
old postal stations and little Stage
Coach stations that have been around
since like the early 1900s yeah but
there’s a lot of people in Prescot now
there’s a lot of Californians that
migrated there they’re trying to change
it out in these areas authentic are you
letting them change it well we don’t I
mean there’s only so much you can do in
terms of but you’re not going to feed
the delusion like you move for a reason
yeah respect the local culture wherever
you go yeah I agree
supposedly spent a lot of time up in
Crown King when he was running from when
he was running from the government he
hated Americans and white people why he
would have been in take doesn’t doesn’t
really add up but it’s at least a good
story that’s
interesting this video is sponsored by
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story and this is how you get up there
do you want me to hold it while you go
up there oh yeah yeah sure Cory you
coming up with me sure can oh yeah this
cool take care guys thank you see you so
there’s bands up here and everything oh
that’s so cool when we were doing the uh
rides there was DJ stations everywhere
and there’s a band playing to like I
mean a 100 people right here when they
did their last event we had light bars
clear across here and they had spots
that were shooting up onto the mountains
and you could have done dental work up
there it was so bright I’ll tell you
though I I was on when we were doing the
um planning of the first event we have
insurance uh then when someone wants to
do an event there’s you know all this
precautions and I was on with the uh
artists that were putting the whole
thing together about where cuz they’re
doing like you know
fire yeah fire dancing stuff and with
swords and all kinds of crazy stuff but
they were so meticulous with safety and
how they had blankets and how they had
the things set up and I was like wow
this is quite impressive and the cool
thing at least the ones that we’ve
worked with they left the place as clean
if not cleaner than before they showed
up they didn’t wreck anything I mean
there’s always going to be some stuff
but there the last time there was 300
people here for 3 days I came out on
Sunday morning to start doing some clean
up around town there was one water
bottle left out wow that was it I mean
they that’s your town dump right yeah
and so over here you can see that’s
called Skid Row where those three houses
are so we we now have Ray the artist has
a place up there which we’ll show you
later we can get out to Skid Row today
yeah oh yeah I’ve been to the other skid
row and when we in all these roads we’ve
actually added that whole area since we
bought the town and so the water this is
the first time that uh CLE has ever had
drilled for water and we got water fresh
water now first time uh since
1864 now it all it all needs to be
patched up everywhere and and and
connected but we now have fresh water
and the rest of the town’s still running
on the 100y old system that the railroad
actually put in there’s a spring 3 miles
Over Yonder in the mountain and it’s
just a galvanized pipe runs right across
the desert floor for 3 miles it crosses
roads and streams
people run it over shoot it cow’s knock
it it loose and Ron the one resident
here that’s all he does is take care of
that water line and he keeps it good for
all of
us so I have a friend who owns C back
recovery and we’re going to have one of
the things that he takes the people that
are going through uh recovery is to
bring them down here and to do
everything from yoga retreats to groups
for the people that are struggling with
addiction you know we’re going to create
cleeter honey um this one sounds really
bad cuz you know like it’s a barn Yacht
Club but this was there before we bought
the town and this is the central place
now you know yeah people come and they
will drink right they will hang out uh
we also have cleater Liquors which
sounds completely inappropriate but it’s
funny as hell to me just like beaver in
Beaver Creek Colorado they have Beaver
Liquors right so we we have cleer
Liquors but we’ve not done anything yet
just have the domain names but then
lollipops clearer Liquors they lollipops
and so I’ve got a whole slew of
different businesses and the way that we
look at this is if someone wants to set
up shop here in ceter they want to
utilize our town for events or to build
a business or to create manufacture
something as long as it fits and it
makes sense and it’s going to expand the
the and I don’t mean expand necessarily
by just growing the the town because
we’re not trying to turn this into you
know this Metropolis here we want it to
stay at ghost town as long as it expands
it doesn’t contract what people want in
life is they want more woo and less ah I
mean that’s what we all want right okay
so you pursue a business you pursue
goals you enter a marathon you listen to
music you do drugs I mean people are
looking for a woo but some attempts of
woo creates ah like when you’re an
addict you may be seeking connection but
what it’s doing for you is Contracting
you it’s not expanding you so I really
want cleater to be a place of expanding
the Mind expanding creativity expand
connection but there’s people that just
come here just to freaking do nothing
right just to hang out there’s other
people that come here to be creative and
and productive so I will say this for
those that don’t know say living in
Europe or on the east coast of the US
the American West and especially the
desert Southwest these massive expanses
are just healing in many ways like
you’re saying for addiction I can see
what you’re saying there but also for
creativity absolutely like you feel very
small very insignificant
the climate could kill you you know at
the wrong time of the year absolutely
it’s insanely grueling here in the
summer and you get this let’s go 10 10
seconds of Silence ready you get
this after the bar closes and you walk
around here at night my first trip out
here I was walking in the gravel and it
was so Amplified under my feet I was
waiting for people to come out of their
houses and scream at me for being so
loud it’s everything is Amplified
unbelievably I had read this book
probably back in 2008 2009 cuz I was
doing podcasts my first podcast ever
recorded was back in 2005 when no one
even knew what a podcast was W you’re
the original guy yeah we were doing some
of the yeah original stuff and um it was
called The Spider and the starfish and
it was Rod Beckstrom and then ory was
the other so I I didn’t interview it rod
and the whole concept behind it was
these these guys they found uh two
Al-Qaeda manifestos that were gotten in
Terror raids on how to build a terror
organization really bizarre and they
reverse engineered these and they looked
at Modern Life of decentralized versus
centralized organizations or businesses
and so what’s funny is now when you look
at you know crypto and block chain
centralized versus decentralized but
what they had come up with if you cut
off the head of a spider the spider dies
you can cut off a a leg and it’ll
disable but if you cut off the head the
spider dies but a starfish some species
of starfish you cut off an arm of a
starfish it’ll grow another arm or leg
whatever you want to call it some
species of starfish you can chop them up
in the little pieces and the little
pieces will regenerate a whole new
starfish because a a spider is a
centralized organism like a human you
cut off the head you’re dead you take
out the heart you’re dead but starfish
they’re decentralized cells and so they
use this for like a business analogy so
for instance 12-step groups are a
starfish so even though the founders Dr
Bob and Bill W passed away they created
a starfish organization that continues
millions of people every day are helped
by 12 step groups uh terrorist
organizations are often starfish you
kill Bin Laden it doesn’t stop and and
often times the star fish organization
it’s like a cancer it’ll metastasize if
you try to attack it so a starfish could
be good or bad but the way that I think
about it is every movement every cause
needs to have a catalyst behind it and
what’s the motivation so without getting
super political or whatever we are now
living in a stage where things start off
as a mission or cause then some of them
become a business and if they become
corrupted they become a racket and so
we’re living through this sort of Racket
stage so my whole thing is whatever I
focus on do whatever is possible to
never have something become a racket
have it always you know be a catalyst
for stuff so I don’t think I’m going to
change the world I mean I think that’s
often change world it’s like the way you
change anything is can you change one
person’s life can you change five
people’s life can you change just do
that and when I’m dead I’m dead you know
whatever yeah so so the thing is I just
want to be a catalyst for variety of
different stuff that I do but I want to
be able to hand that baton off to other
people and let them do what they will
with it so to to me it’s like yeah I
bought the town but I ultimately kind of
want to open source it so that people
can just come and do whatever cool stuff
they they want
here about 3 and 1/2 years ago I saw a
newspaper or newspaper really I saw a
news article on town for sale I didn’t
even know you could buy a town I sent it
to Joe as a joke saying hey man want to
buy a town ha haa not thinking anything
of it he text me back well maybe like
what I know nothing I’m the least
qualified person on the planet to own a
town 6 months later we bought the
town how big is the town 40 acres no way
40 acres yeah so do you guys have land
you’re going to sell like for people to
build homes no not happening no okay you
know we own the town y uh we have the
structures and the properties that we
have on it and actually if you go back
uh 100 years there were six mines
originally in this town this was a
mining claim for James P cleeter and
then there’s also mines all in this area
if you go back 1.4 billion years ago
this is where the continents collided
when continents Collide it does that and
that’s why there’s gold in them they’re
Hills and this is so there’s all types
of Mines that we have here and this was
part of like the Gold Rush of the late
1800s everything started to happen here
at World War II all the mines were shut
down for the war effort the government
said nope all non-essential mins you’re
done and all the work workers all the
men uh went to fight in the wars they
took all the steel they took everything
this was actually there used to be a
railroad that goes right across here
this okay just to get the minerals out y
this is a railroad there was a gas
station I mean everything was out here
this was a mining town for James P
cleeter and then he had the other claims
here and so in addition to this what we
also have is we have 2500 Acres of
claims all out that way you guys own the
clamps we are with a public company that
owns 2500 Acres of claims King Global
Ventures it’s a Canadian company
Canadian uh stock exchanges the TSX and
the csse are the ones that provide all
the capital so all the mineral
exploration companies are really
Canadian and Australian there’s very few
American ones now there’s difference
there’s the exploring and the drilling
is different the exploring you have to
prove what’s there because drillings are
massive massive projects do you think
you have much out here still oh there’s
a ton out here it was proven hundreds of
years ago at least 100 years ago they
stopped and they got everything oh
there’s a lot out here it’s if you look
at the Arizona state flag there’s a
copper symbol in the middle cuz copper
is where the biggest Copper State so
there’s a ton of copper minees so yes oh
yeah there’s gold in them their Hills
can we check out the James P cleater
General Store oh yes this was opened in
1906 this we restored oh cool all of
this it’s not obviously it’s not open
yet but it will be open and beautiful
floors thank you these were mostly the
original floors we had to replace some
of did Cory do this yes Cory did
basically everything and we’re we’re
working to restore this they don’t make
them like this anymore these old
freezers oh yeah this was from the early
1900s and it’s kind of fun to see the
craftsmanship because these were built
to last forever and to be repaired right
the new ones now are just disposable
yeah been through two dishwashers this
year oh yeah and it’s also to see the
layout of this store we joke about it
calling it an inconvenience store
because if you look at where the shelves
are 7-Eleven in Design This that was
before there was any bar to the left of
it or a restaurant at the time to the
right of it it was just a
standalone and that was when it was
called Turkey Creek before James later
named uh
cleeter that’s Turkey Creek Station is
that where we’re at right now right here
right oh yeah so the train tracks right
there we’re right here yeah and we’re
we’re we’re sitting inside this uh
particular uh building and then right
here is another picture Turkey Creek
Station see it right there so how’s it
feel you guys doesn’t sound like any
regrets taking a risk like that you’re
how old when were you were born I am 56
I was born in okay so you’re Gen X I’m
Gen X you’re Millennial I’m
55 are you doing some anti-aging
something that’s amazing so Gen X but
that that’s what we were talk how old
are you I’m 47 yeah but that’s that was
in our upbringing take risk have your
lawn like I grew up in the east coast it
was like have your lawn business make
your money get your car at 15 so on your
16th birthday you’re ripping off I mean
and you’re on adventure and you’re
taking risk and like failure is okay and
I think that’s gone away a little bit
and I think the younger Generations need
to hear and see it right that they can
take the risk fail that’s part of the
process if you ever want to create
anything great in life you’re going to
have to fail that’s just how it works
what does failure even mean it’s a
lesson it’s it’s just a stepping stone I
don’t think it’s failure either success
can only exist with a failure no failure
there’s no success the reason the Super
Bowl works is because there’s a built-in
tragedy you can’t have a Triumph without
a tragedy so we know you’re going to
have a Super Bowl just as a silly
example but the Triumph only exists with
the tragedy if everyone got a
participation trophy for the Super Bowl
it wouldn’t work if everything was
successful nothing would be successful
so you need that so then what’s the
difference success pH it works it
doesn’t work like the difference is uh
your your resources are better off when
you’re succeeding and you have a house
and you don’t have to worry about
finances and you go to Whole Foods and
get your nice eggs that’s the difference
sure which is nice yeah I failed more
than I’ve succeeded it has most people
that have any type of success I mean
haven’t we all in some type of way but
when we when we first bought this town
we didn’t have a real plan we just kind
of bought it is like an art project and
it was like okay let’s buy a town and
really that was part of your creativity
you you saw that okay we can use it for
I’m yeah hey cool man what else am I
going to do today and I live one hour
from the town and so I thought to myself
how many opportunities in the Arc of a
life do you have to purchase a town 1
hour from your residence usually zero at
one I wanted to give you this copy of
this book thank you she’s uh so she’s
the top vaginal plastic surgeon in
Arizona Dr shuang it is everything men
know about vaginas and I interviewed all
men from the age of 18 to the oldest
like 78 and this is all the information
I got they all say they all say they
know a lot I bet and I’ll let you open
page 10 is probably the best I know
oh some notes I got to write some notes
down yes is this for me this is for you
thank you you’re wel thank you took you
a long time to write this yes and then
after you finish reading this you should
listen to the
audio that’s great that’s very unique I
love oh that’s funny how long have you
two been together four years four years
four years okay that’s great well
Blissful years we love what do you think
about cler CER is awesome and you’re
from Malaysia originally I’m from
Malaysia yeah you feel immigrating here
you’ve been totally accepted like
totally brought in it’s funny you said
that I think I’m more accepted here in
America than back in China cuz I don’t
speak Chinese like when I went to China
they looked at me well you grew you grew
up in Malaysia but you’re ethnically
Chinese yes Chinese Malaysian okay what
are your what’s your take on arizonans
or American people or like the human
side of things what are your thoughts I
think Americans are really friendly and
they’re usually very open to ideas like
when I
traveled you would just hang out with I
would meet new people yeah and would
just go to a different country and would
just we just became friends instantly
and I think that’s the the big thing is
just ability to not create like barriers
among two human beings I believe that
like we’re all connected in some way
shape or form so yeah that’s what I
really felt that that was the difference
this is a pretty serious van here the
Overland chaos what’s your you me to
follow Alie you ready for a little
journey a little Adventure yeah okay is
it cool if Allie’s on camera yeah okay
Alie you give it that Y allly what do
you think of cleer um I think next time
when when you guys film I think you guys
we film over there I like it can you be
my director yes okay
cool are these new setups these cabins
no they’ve been here for a little while
they have just been recently given to
Ray villane Studios Ray is quite a
character he’s the top pumpkin carver in
the world that’s one of the many
artistic talents he has he’s in here
right now he’s in here right now and he
just this has all been set up literally
just in the last I don’t know couple
weeks oh awesome yeah good timing
yeah all
famous this is Ray this is Ray Ray
Peter yeah you too this is my director
me move the Boom for you we’re still
moving in so this is like a work in
progress Joe was saying this is Skid Row
over here yeah Skid Row is that what
you’re calling it yes it’s oh wow this
is all your work most all of it is
I used to be a school teacher K12 art
and then from there I went into
commercial sculpting okay this stuff
here yeah I used to work for a Marvel
and DC Comics Warner Brothers yeah for
about a decade a couple decades ago
here’s a sand sculpture in the back it’s
a picture of it 17t tall in Italy just
sand and water you made that yes wow 17
ft yes then here’s a scarecrow all found
sticks and stuff he even has a rock a
hagstone heart which is a rock with a
naturally occurring hole in it in the
shape of a of a heart so I’m in the
process of bringing stuff out here
setting up a space to cultivate so I
could diving into my work and starting
to help transform this town doing this
versus something like Marvel can’t do
that anymore you can’t why uh cuz this
this is like okay here’s a drawing we
you you to sculpt I want to I want the
whole idea I like getting raw
ingredients and finding inspiration in
it and following it where it goes you
know the pumpkins led to the scarecrows
scarecrows took me deeper into nature
searching for sticks all the fingers and
stuff like that oh yeah had me finding
old wood even this table I made from
like old M shaft wood materials and
stuff so rough and even and weathered oh
that’s cool the book itself was made
from just stuff I found this is your
book here yeah just some of the drawings
wow you’re super talented Ray that’s
amazing you can do all different forms
obviously yeah SC Medi sculpted that but
here’s a little truck that I built with
stuff that I found in the desert and
stuff so cool this engine compartment
piece is came from the old General the
clearer store it’s like 120y old bin and
I just shrunk it down a little yeah well
what a view right so the top of that
mountain is where I do a lot of my
collecting of kind of wood the terrain
up there is drastically different than
down here here you’re still in the
desert once you get up there it has like
a PR I don’t know if you ever been to
presc so it’s got that Vibe up there
it’s got trees up there oh trees all
over yeah so from down here it doesn’t
look like it but not far away there
forests yes top there is all big pine
trees and as much as I love setting shop
up in here yeah I’ve been itching and my
wife’s like just patient cuz I want to
go exploring all back in these mountains
and M shaft and all the I’m sure I’ll be
able to
find did you ever think your life would
turn to this I didn’t
know life always gets better at that I
know what’s wrong what’s going on
director you didn’t wait for me out
there so you’re bad am I fire director
are you going to give me one more chance
just one more chance one more chance to
make this right okay yeah if you leave
if you don’t wait for me you’re fired oh
wow it’s a tough job out here cleater
yeah okay boss let’s go you run a tight
chiping on a thing there this is the
body to one okay so there’s a lot going
on underneath here yeah it’s got a he’s
got a big you want me to go grab his
head sure you see where it is yeah yeah
I know where it is and then he’s got
also a
hagstone a rock with a hole in it you
think that’s cool
so oh that is so cool and then he’s got
oh this a little broken there but he’s
all like found this wood you found this
up in the mountains there yeah it just
seems like you’re in your playground out
here oh yes I just like playing with
stuff you know I like I really do enjoy
you’re still out here fish create yeah
as like a a cur playful curios
and and I don’t know why I’m drawn to
stuff that seems to be either discarded
by others or patina old I mean here I am
R done a lot of amazing things in my
life had a lot of big opportunities but
someone might say so you’re you’re skid
Ro like what do you then like to find
despair where you’re
at but there’s a part of me that always
is like constantly
okay well we could do something with
this and
playfully and the funny the the it’s
like the more unlikely of ingredients
have the more potential for something
magical or cool because you know what I
mean so it’s like so you’re never at a
disadvantage creatively you know what I
mean like I’m never at a disadvantage
when someone says although I tend to
like you know rusted can it would be
fair to say I found myself on Skid Row
even to be able to look at that
playfully is
important and this is Dale who’s lived
here for uh I think 19
years hey Dell yeah can I put this mic
on you is that cool oh yeah I don’t care
there you go so you you lived here two
decades well yeah 18 where’ you move
from uh out of there but I grew up in
Phoenix pretty much okay so you just
wanted this lifestyle getting away from
all yeah yeah I worked my 40 50 years
down in Phoenix and I needed to get you
know next thing I know somebody offered
me a little cabin out here so I can fix
it up in yeah so did you fix up this
cabin yeah inside and everything yeah
can I check it out is that Co yeah you
can check it out a little different than
the Phoenix lifestyle huh oh yeah quite
a bit different yeah we look at the
mountain out here I get to sit here in
the morning drink coffee and we have
beautiful sunsets and
yeah it was just old cabin that’s been
here for 100 Years cuz the floor you
know you could see through the slats on
the floor with just dir for all the
windows were started as a mining cabin
and then for the railroad people are you
a biker well I have Road a bike in my
day yeah I could I could feel that I’m
OG now you’re OG yeah I’m about 75 this
year so it’s all good
congrats but then I built this room on
it bathroom’s back there yeah it’s
comfortable for me yeah that if any of
my ex Ladi want to come now too small
you can’t your ex ladies do they come up
here once in a while yeah you still got
ladies come on I’m old but I a
dead that’s found that I cutting wood
one day and I cut that and I’m going
what the hell what just a piece of wood
I was cutting firewood out here one day
and I seen that come up so I fig i’ to S
it down and it’s interesting
yeah that’s
cool the guy’s daughter across the
street made that you years ago we sooner
die by Fang and by claw in a desert
sometimes hot as hell then spend another
day where City Slickers dwell and that’s
where we all grew up in the city yeah
you plan to stay in cleeter Forever well
unless they kick me out of here yeah he
dead 10 more
years I found this out there too out
here years ago yeah hemorrhoid oh my God
that is wild did you try any oh yeah
right I don’t think so okay did you know
that the the other potential person that
was going to buy was going to turn into
an RV park I heard something about that
but you know I’m glad it didn’t yeah y
we wanted do you do you own the cabin no
I’m just R it so Joe you know shut me up
where you want that’s totally cool your
goal is to keep these places here yeah
and in these local characters here yeah
I’d love to keep them here you know
Dale’s been one of the most helpful CU
he’s uh well yeah I try not to listen to
all these people thre stories cuz I like
you guys yeah I had no problem there’s
some people that just don’t like any
change whatsoever even if we that’s
mostly out of town local people haven’t
been here but me and Ron and Judy we’ve
been here for 20 years often yeah how
long you know and and and the way I look
at it is they take care of the place
this culture which is a really cool
culture cleater I didn’t create that
that was built in so what we want to
come in and support that and at the same
time this town needed maintenance it
needed to bring things up to code there
were people that wanted to tear the tear
it down and you know and then Jim
Shipman who I bought it from I was just
talking to yeah I mean he he’s it’s been
his family for 100 years and when I
bought the town he started watching some
of my videos on uh on YouTube and stuff
and he then started telling me about
like we knew some of the the same people
he had attended their seminars and he
sent me a text right after we bought it
and he it said I’ve got tears rolling
down my face right now I could have not
hoped for better people to take over
cleater and so he was just really happy
that we bought it why did he sell it do
you think well it’s been on for sale
forever you know ever since I how much
was the price if you guys know my
basically million dollars million doll
for this for last 10 years 20 years of
oh they’ve been trying to sell it for a
long time oh yeah they never really
pushed it cuz it was you know we enjoyed
our life I heard [ __ ] when it wasn’t you
yeah back in the during the Depression
in the day there was probably 300,000
people lived in just this BR on R so
there were little towns like this
everywhere mid 300,000 people out here
mining trying to make it rich trying to
live instead of standing in a food line
in New York or in Chicago you back in
the day yeah do you know how many people
ever at the peak ever lived in ceter how
like most no but there was like eight of
us when I moved in word doesn’t carry
around quickly here does it like
everyone stays
toel the city but yeah yeah and so so I
mean we want people to just enjoy the
hell out of the space have fun but also
just don’t be a jerk so I think that’s a
good point too and I would like to say
to the audience those that who who will
see this video and then be inspired to
come out here yeah be super respectful
to the locals totally right like wave to
people on the road we’re pretty much the
same way with people unless they get way
out of line totally but like you guys
got something cool out here and you
don’t want a bunch of people coming out
here and you know doing burnouts on your
road and and causing a problem I would
think right like it’s just basic
courtesy everywhere you go into
someone’s space you’re cool to them and
usually the locals are if they’re
respected then they give back in volumes
that’s what I found absolutely you
always got to like that sign says for
City sers there’s thousands of people
come up here every year on quads running
hauling ass think the desert and I’d
tell them hey you want me to come into
your house and do it in your backyard
right exactly front yard you know don’t
if you don’t bring any problems into the
environment it it probably won’t bring
problems to
you just tell Jason to call Micah we’re
going to go into a m shaft okay so
they’re waiting for us okay cool sounds
like we’re going up to a m shaft is that
right I hope so okay yeah I think I
think that’d be kind of cool is assuming
they can take us in there because we
want to do it safely gold silver I’ll
tell you there’s one of our minds down
here that you go pretty far in
and there’s one of the guys who you’ll
probably meet that uh he was walking
into one and a mountain line ran out oh
and so we they they scope they scope it
out to make sure we’re not going to come
because that would make for some good
video but it would still be kind of
weird so they’ll go in there with the
pistol and make sure that there’s no uh
they’re not going to get
attacked how you guys doing okay you
guys met right no Peter I’m Mah Mah
Micah is in helps us with a lot of the
minerals and the mines and he’s the one
that we’ll we go into a mine with he’s
the he’s you’re taking us out there
right now he will tell you everything
there is to tell
you about mines this is mAh Dustin I
said well my God this is Dustin did you
meet this guy D like yeah yeah we’re
just in Dale’s house okay oh right Dale
just taught us about the meeting of life
is the meaning of life this mad man
right here he has a mobile Cory so he
brought all the mobile Cory they’re both
operating so he’s also doing all the
road work doing the okay so you guys you
guys are all contributing to bringing
this place around oh yeah no they do
unbelievable work they do all things
Rock dirt they move Boulders they dig
holes they blow stuff up they’re
unbelievable these guys we do where do
you guys live I live in will ho where’s
that it’s 20 minutes south of presc okay
what’s your take on cleeter it’s an
interesting place not a place I’d want
to live full-time but you know it’s cool
you never know you might be like Dale
one day
right here with d tough singles you
think it’s a tough singles life out here
oh yeah you kidding me the chicks are
all you kidding me what chicks I mean
you have to have one to start but this
guy operates two machines at the same
time he has one remote controls he’s
doing one he’s dragging one he’s doing
Rock breaking up Rock clearing it over
so why are you guys breaking up Rock
right now well right now we’re clearing
the road to the road clearing to the
copper mine yeah to get to the mine so
the mine we’re going to is copper uh
silver the one we’re going to go to is
silver yeah and it’s a secret location
secret keep the camera down yes yeah all
right I like Secrets but I can film I
can film when we get there yes when we
get there absolutely awesome where you
from M Prescot okay this knows every
mine everything there is to know of
mining in this a lot about it he’ll say
that he’s very humble yeah yeah the the
company I work with is called Mind data
so our biggest thing is getting as much
information on mines as we can so he’s
in the field he has dirt under his
fingernails oh yes he’ll get you there
yeah I love
dirt you are the third partner here yes
the third in final yes it’s actually
Jason’s fault he came up with it and
then Joe ran with it and I was like you
guys nuts and they did
and I’m like all right I’m in if it’s
you know unpredictable I’ll do it so but
it’s been very awesome seems like a
great group of guys out here that’s 90%
of it is the process the journey the
journey is the reward so we’ve already
succeeded just by being here have you
been in the mind we’re going to go to
right now yes okay lot of fun of course
it is try not to die that’s our only
real requirement out here right don’t
start a fire try not to die it’s just a
so this is James cler’s original mines
James cleer original mines yep and what
I would like anyone watching or
listening to imagine in the 1800s when
there’s no air conditioning when they
can’t drive vehicles in the middle of
summer where you know often times gets a
SI 120° and then you’re going in one of
these mines there could be animals I
mean you’re deal deal with some of the
harshest roughest parts and no easily
access to water and food and then people
would literally live out here while
they’re in the search for just trying to
find you know gold or silver to survive
like it makes you realize you know
people have lived pretty rough intense
lives and it it’ll be hard to explain
going through here to to even understand
it but it’s uh give me a second yeah and
so he’s going to go in there to you know
as you can see making he’s got the gun
yeah there’s no mountain lions or
there’s no Bobcats or any crazy uh you
lunatics the next mine down this way the
last time we were in there as soon as we
stepped in you could smell cat and we
walked in a couple feet and it
stunk yeah stunk like an animal so we
just backed right back
out how often have you had to shoot
animals back there none thankfully okay
don’t want it to collapse on me
all right Mike we getting the lesson I
guess I’ll have to make the disclosure
I’m not a geologist just a gold miner so
where are those guys go what are they
doing those are those are additional
tunnels what they did is they’d go in
and Sample you see even the pink ribbon
in there yeah so they’ll go in they’ll
do assays but a lot of the times the
oldtimers would follow your vein
structure you see your vein structure
right here okay that’s your main vein so
the tunnel would always intercept the
actual vein structure and so you can see
where it went into these other areas and
so they would tap in and see if there’s
any additional richer areas and they
decided that this is the
one watch out for the metal and any
anything that’s going to poke
you so Arizona has a lot of this fair to
say and be careful your oh yeah for sure
um your just even on this this trend
there’s 12 12 to 13
mines and just be careful with your
heads cuz we don’t have helmets but
these right here your stoles so they
hold the rock up and so the miners would
come in and work the vein structure
right here you see this vein yep that’s
quartz you have your hematite which is
going to be the red Iron and then your
silver this is all silver right through
here but not enough where you’d chip
that out oh yeah that’s enough this this
ore ran 800 to, 1400 ounces to the
ton okay so this this mine is from the
original cleeter days yes when cleeter
was founded yep how much further back
have you guys gone uh this will go back
1,000 ft 1,200 ft can we still go oh
yeah yeah we have plenty of room just
watch your
head and you’ll see over here this is
going to be an
interesting section here they have the
gobbing so your Rich part of the vein
right would come through here on this
side you have your stalls supporting
everything and then over here they would
cut into the mountain just like they did
here y but a lot of the times they’ll
just back fill it with this rock okay
and they’ll help maintain security of
the mine as far as the stability you
don’t want it to collapse you know they
weren’t the greatest you can see how
that goes back pretty good ways but they
would just stuff that back in and
hopefully add a little bit of stability
some of these rocks right here all fell
down from here yeah so that’s why you
have to be really careful when you’re in
these old
mines but a lot of these tunnels they
just keep going down yeah they just go
and you see how they would cut out these
Corners right yep and they take all that
rock and stuff it back in there to add
some stability so that’s how they could
working and even in Arizona you have a
lot of water during certain times of the
year so you can see all the water pipe
below us this you guys put in right NOP
no that’s from the miners back in the
day yeah back further into the mine
there’s still areas that have water we
can go down one of those side tunnels if
you want it takes us down to the water
we haven’t been able to map past all of
that yet because they’re still full
they’re still full of water but yeah see
this section right here mhm they left
that column it’s getting a little
sketchy cuz you can see the fractures
going through the rock see you just love
this stuff oh I absolutely love it yeah
and back in the day Micah they would
literally live in here right they would
sleep yeah I mean well they wouldn’t
sleep in here per se just outside the
mine entrance y uh above it there is a
house sight and so they would have their
house sight outside of the mine they’d
be very close to it that way they didn’t
have to go very far to work every single
day but yeah this is this was life every
day what year did they stop doing this
this one or just in round cleater in
general when did they stop mining out um
probably the mid
80s 18 1880s no 1980s are you serious oh
yeah cuz they had a big increase in
silver values in the 1980s so in the
1980s they were doing it in the
oldfashioned way oh yeah yep mom and pop
yeah they come back into these these
mines that are very rich and uh they
pull ore out just with a pick and a pick
and a shovel and is that what you guys
are doing now pick a shovel yeah depends
on where you’re at you know this one we
haven’t been in this one as you can see
we do a lot of the sampling we haven’t
been mining this one or any of the ones
that we do currently have we have
prospects of doing some core drilling
where we’re going to go in and actually
core into the center of the earth here
about few th000 feet and see what else
is below the surface yeah that does look
a little sketchy huh oh yeah that’s the
miners life yeah make sure no one kicks
that yeah definitely being in the sketch
that is honestly holding this up yeah
and you see how high grade that Ora is
right there that’s all silver all in
there that’s all silver so why don’t you
guys take this out now uh well this for
example that’s your column so you want
to maintain your column and your
structural strength here of the tunnel
cuz that’s why they would always back
fill and Gob like this right so if you
try to take that out you’re basically
it’ll collapse you’re killing yourself
in the process exactly okay yep so you’d
have to give back to Earth a little bit
okay just
take yeah this is pretty crazy stuff
here look how big this vein gets yeah so
they’ll they’ll come
through Mark all of this and you sample
just different areas you’ll take an
entire sample you take the entire width
of the vein and that way when you get an
assay you want to see how much you’re
going to get from the pay zone so this
is your pay zone
right this is your foot wall and your
wall and so you want to see exactly
what’s in here that’s where good stuff
is and that’s the mystery right now
what’s in there yeah exactly any any
mine you want to go in and work it’s
always a mystery you can look at it and
sometimes you can see the gold or the
silver but you have to get it assay you
have to find out what it comes back at
how many ounces to the ton is it minable
is the vein big enough sometimes you’re
going to have Rich Little Stringer
veins and they could be really rich but
it’s not worth minding when you say
assay what does that mean so fire assay
so you’ll send it to company like ALS
for example Paragon and they do a fire
assay they actually melt it down extract
the metal and they can tell you and if
it’s Rich enough sometimes they’ll drop
a bead and actually tell you hey how did
this sample that you gave us this is how
much we found so they distill it and if
there’s enough percentage in that volume
you’re like it’s worth going for exactly
okay yep and it’s just needle and a hay
stack type stuff pretty much yeah cuz
you can see where they went back the
old-timer will always follow the highest
pay this is one of the other side
tunnels that we’ve never even been able
to determine how deep it
goes so as as dry as it is out here
there’s still water to be found is if
you dig far enough right exactly and
this water level has not
changed so this piece of wood oh wow
right here yep we put that there 8
ago the water hasn’t changed the water
level okay Yep this is most likely just
natural aquifers that we’re tapping into
here cuz there’s no water in the creek
even and that’s why we have to come in
and look for Animals before we come into
the mines right because they’ve must
come down here this is the watering hole
right the mountain lions and we’ve
tested this water yeah this water is
great it looks very clear yeah you drink
it right here uh I probably wouldn’t
drink it just because of a lot of the
stuff that’s on the surface of the water
y but um as far as any heavy metals or
anything like that there’s nothing like
that in the water what if you used a
straw to drink with uh the purifying
straw yeah yeah you it might actually
work just fine
yep y that was awesome thank you you’re
welcome very cool I appreciate you
visiting our ghost town yeah um love the
ambitious plan here and the cool people
I’ve met today everyone seemed quite
awesome yeah and uh I also want to drop
to the audience
Joe has a YouTube channel awesome
interviews I just watched the one with
Lance Armstrong yesterday which was
fantastic y thank you you went into
places that I haven’t seen uh Lance go
let’s say yeah we go pretty deep on some
stuff yeah so that was cool you have a
ton of other stuff going on you’ve
written books you have a for lack of
it’s not called The Mastermind program
it’s a connection network connection
network for high level entrepreneurs
it’s for Entre High okay high level
links all down below more information on
cleater yeah anything else boy just if
you have a chance to visit uh cleer uh
come here it’s a pretty unique place and
we keep doing awesome stuff and we want
people to come here and have fun and
just feel connected and uh it could be
serious it could be completely
ridiculous and uh if you have anyone
that’s struggling uh with addiction
either yourself or a loved one uh genius
recovery uh.org is my 501c3 and it’s an
educational platform designed to help
reduce human suffering and help people
that struggle with addiction because
connection is what it’s all about so I
hope uh I hope wherever you’re at in
your life and the world uh stay
connected as much as you can awesome Joe
yeah tons of great stuff check out his
links down below thanks for coming along
on that Journey guys until the next one

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